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I have a start a new tag do i need another account or if i just start using a #word, will it just start banking the posts and eventually a tag will create...
Thank you ..did not know who else to ask...It was really hard just to get my own account so i gave up and started using my husbands...
Thank you!

The purpose of a hash is indexing for the search engine and grouping of a concept for humans on a criteria or topic - the use can be for all sorts but You need to keep in mind this can have a big public impact as You re purpose and literally "tag" a word with YOUR concept building up a culture around it so You have to introduce the way it is supposed to be used too.
The hashtags are sorting keys for a program to pick up and people can use them to identify and recognize a culture, topic, category.
Each socialmedia platform has it own quirks and odd ways they use the hashtag (that is just the mechanics) but the meaning of a hashtag is the same as per culture and sub-culture defined in its use.
Inventing a new hashtag needs preparation : it is a beacon signal on/off; is it to be used broad or specific to a sub-culture; what is the general purpose and expectation; Is it of importance significant to a big enough group to claim the wording; construct it smart so the noise level from ignorant people misusing the signal does not sabotage the use;
I have been helping companies for years to construct these schemes in a strategic way, others just start on a blue monday with #idontknowwhattohaveforbreakfast and get away with it. Nic. I am more confused so let me tell you what i need to do...My son is 12.5 old and we have made 2 group pages on facebook. One is called kids on steem ...the other is steem for teens...he received a steemit account ..finally not sure why this seems to be so hard for us...mine never came but after several days his is @ deselsteem...(his name is actually Desel) so I thought he could announce in his introducehimself...first post all about him and his project...but how beyond that do we orchestrate a place for the kids and teens to post to. Sorry i was so vague...i should have just asked this question. Thank you for your time is one our most valuable resources.

Make your own hashtag category for him and his project....when you make a hashtag and people use it
#1 all post go there when hashtag is used
#2 people can search the tag
#3 the more often tag is used ...the more likely it will become a category

I hope that helped :)

Ok that is what I thought...thank much! May launch today!

Awesome!! Good luck:) :)

#minnowsfaucet #ffsteemit Go Go Go
this will be massive successful simply because it just works