… mainly just quitting stopping at convenience store and buying crap food…
That made me laugh. Good for you Splatts. Working out makes us feel good, which then makes us want to eat better, which makes us feel even better, and the byproduct is we look better as well as function better. You’re also setting a great example for your kids but we’ve been following you for a while now and we know that that’s a norm for you guys. Good job Dad!
Let me know how your crackers turn out. They are super easy to make 😉
I need to do a post about how much money is spent on crap food at those places. Around the Splatts house we just call it...Poop. Cookies, candy, little Debbie snacks....it’s Poop. It’s funny when we are in the store and the kids ask if they can get some...Poop. What is funnier than that is when I say, “Yes”
Mama Splatts and I hit the Gym together today. It’s so awesome, nobody in there just us 2. It’s been 3 weeks since I started, and getting up at 4:20 in the morning isn’t too bad. Plus my work bought me some Bose wireless earbuds. How cool is that??
That’s real cool. I find it easier to get up early and workout than to do your entire day and leave your workout for the evening. I hate evening workouts. It’s dope when you have the gym to yourselves too. Dandays and I have been working out a gym here and nobodies ever in there. It’s always just him and I, it’s great.
I used to be a “poop” addict! Candy, pastries, cookies, cake, whatever… you name it I had it. I lived off the stuff for the better part of my adult life, hence why my gut is so messed up right now. My punishment is not being able to eat ANYTHING sweet, not even fruit, for who knows how long. It’s a good thing that your family refers to the junk by its proper word, “poop”. Haha
My work put in this gym for the employees and their families. You would have to hit it just right to run into someone in there. It’s free and it has everything.
Quick junk food story: So when my wife and I were dating we smoked ....a lot!! All day everyday. I’m talking comatose style baked!! Why smoke one bowl when you can smoke 7 right?!?!? Lol. After getting a good chief on we went into Winco, a grocery store that has the bulk bins of ... candy...bad idea!! Filled up a bag full of all kinds of candy. We were in heaven. Super baked and a bag of all our favorite candies. Then we sat in my truck in the parking lot and got a sugar overload. I think between the weed and the sugar something happened. We both passed out in the parking lot of the grocery store for an hour or so. Woke up wondering what the heck was going on. HAHAHA. It was night time but still...who does that?......I do I guess.
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Haha… I have actually done something similar when I was a young woman. Instead of a bag of candy it was a full warm box of fresh crispy Creme donuts. My girlfriend and I killed almost the entire box and past out. Whoever doesn’t say that sugar is a drug is delusional. That ish gets me super high. It’s the worst drug I’ve ever had to quit. That’s the truth! My stoner and sugar days are since over. A little toke every once in awhile never hurt though 😳