We do love it, it’s why we moved here. Sometimes we forget that when we want to get things done though. Oh well, it’ll just take some more time to acclimate.
Sure, either name works well for me. They actually taste pretty good. Almost a little sweetness like a wheat thin, or wheat not. Haha. Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen. We all miss you around the food fight ring…
I'm trying to get back in it, @puravidaville. Commenting on everyone's posts is the first step, I guess. I'm cooking tonight, and it's stuff I haven't done before, so I should have something for next Friday (if I'm not derailed).
I've tried coming up with ideas that aren't cooking related, but still in the arena of food, but haven't had much I've been interested in, so I need to do a better job of that. We'll see. :)
Whatever you decide to do will be great. I’ll keep my ete out for your triple F about last nights dinner. I know I’m not the only one in the gang that misses your contenders :). Enjoy your Sunday @glenalbrethsen!