
Oh no... you didn’t just do that??? May God have mercy on your food Flingin’ soul.

Did you... Yep, you did...
you voted for yourself???

According to the power vested in me as the Head of this Kitchen. You will be given 5 fish-slaps on 5 of your posts. Welp, it’s the law of the kitchen, the only one No Self -Voting and this just has to be done. Here is where you will find the anti-self vote rule... it’s pretty much the only rule so ya I am obligated to enforce it.
That is your first one... only 4 more to go. 😜😜
Ok, so who are you voting for now?

This is all in good fun and intended to keep food fight Friday about giving and not receiving about being Self-less not selfish

That is a heck of a way to start a relationship, but a rule, is a rule, is a rule.
It has been a while since I've seen a fish slap given out.
This guy almost gets his neck broken, maybe we should take it a little easy on @ninahaskin, she appears to be about 1/4 of the size of the Mohawk wearing fellow. 😁

All fish-slaps are created equal... that’s a lie. HAHAHAHAHA

It looks like the wiener is working, come on now I'm talking about the wiener that gets people to vote. Lots of votes this round!

your own post. Share the love... It’s all in good fun, no harsh feelings of any kind. It’s just a fun way we here @foodfightfriday encourage food flingers to check out other’s posts and not just focus on

"Just Keep Swimming"
Click on image to enlarge

Taking that fish and releasing it here! @foodfightfriday🎣

Thank you for voting, @ninahaskin!

Did you just encourage a self vote??? How dare you!!! Welp you know what that means... fish slaps all around.


I totally deserve that. Way to set me up for failure @ninahaskin.

there's two rules to fight club
(wait, wrong platform)

• Post your food related post on Friday.
• No self-votes.There's two rules to @foodfightfriday.

Unity.I will, however, say thank you for bringing it to my attention that someone would, in fact, do something such as actually vote for their own self during a friendly #community competition. C.o.m.m—

It's nice to see a guy own up to making a mistake, you don't see that too often.

Thanks for editing the post for clarity!

I originally voted for another entry then edited my vote after seeing its raw meat images at 3 a.m. this morning. What can I say? Appetizers make me hungry everytime I see them while raw meat does the opposite!

I read the link in your comment above multiple times as well as checked on the Discord channel, and the last #fff round's rules where there I didn't find anything that said no self voting

Fish slap away!
I'm a fisher and even worm/bait my own hook!🎣🐟🐠

It’s like saying, “Don’t you dare steal that candy bar or you will go to jail”... It’s written g in the post for Round 72 and all the previous Winners Posts. I hope the Round 73 winners post is LOUD and clear for everyone.
Self-Vote = Fish-Slap

I thought we finished this discussion on Discord hours ago and you went to sleep?

"Contender post, curation, and sponsorship," there an echo in here? 🤔 An initiative hosting upwards of 20 contenders each week requires, in this instance, three key holders.

Yes, we did clear this up on discord, and yes, I still manage the contender post, curation, and sponsorship. However, when you read text written by the @foodfightfriday account, that doesn't fall in the category of contender post, curation, and sponsorship.

On the plus side, fish slaps only stink sting for a minute. Self votes, however, more like two minutes. By the time you’re done reading this response—two minutes will be up. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, @ninahaskin, and congratulations on your well deserved reward.

stink sting for a minute. Thank you for throwing down, chef.Of course, @ninahaskin. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. They only