Welcome back to another Food flingin’ Food Fight Friday Fantastic Family Fun... Saturday??? Well today is Friday (I wrote most of this on Friday but life happens and I am finishing it up and posting it on Saturday) but what I will eventually get to transpired on a Saturday. It was a Splatterday of sorts with the Splatts Clan. Hot off the grill food, 3 foot tall flames, rat rods, classic cars, drag cars, a Murph Mobile, and a whopper of a waffle cone. If that doesn’t have you wanting to read more... I don’t know what else to do. Yet, if it does... go ahead kick back get comfy, and don’t pay any attention to spelling or grammar. It’s F-F-Food Fight Friday my Food Lovers!! This is a place where misspelled words are overshadowed by food. A place where every entree has a first class ticket across the Food Fight Friday Arena. Ok now.... let me get into my memory bank and try to remember how things went down last Saturday. Hey, cut me some slack, I have sept a few times since then. Give me just a few seconds... while you wait stare at this for a minute...

I know that wasn’t much to look at but it didn’t take me that long this time to re-forkus on the tastes at hand. See I’m with it... Back when I used to live in California one of our favorite places to eat was called the Japanese Kitchen.... hold up... flashback... drool... wipe... The food was always amazing and the entertainment didn’t help a full belly I can tell you that much. You see at a place like this, 8 people sit around a huge grill... or maybe it is called a griddle?? No it’s gotta be a grill because it is called the Hibachi Grill. Duh... There now I don’t seem as dumb as I look, spittin’ out that cool name... Hibachi Hibachi... This Hibachi Grill Style cooking has to be one of my absolute favorites!! Well beside the ribs I cook on my Green Mountain Pellet Grill. :wink:wink. You basically have a personal chef cook your food just the way you want it right there in front of you. It is such a blast to have a group of people all sitting around the Grill in a U shape while the Chef puts on a show!! Crackin’ jokes, flippin’ salt and pepper shakers, throwin’ Shrimp at people.... I’m telling you sometimes it gets a little wild... :cough... saké... :cough
The reason I bring this up is that in our little town one of these Hibachi Grill places opened up a while ago and we finally decided to go. They are a little on the expensive side, or maybe I am just cheap?!?!? Either way, this was the kids first time going and they had no idea what this place was about. Inside I was laughing before we walked though the doors.

I will just say this, the inside is much more pleasant than the outside. The outside needs something but I’m not sure what it is... the inside on the other hand...

It’s was missing something too...

Welp, not no more, the Splatts crew is here! Now all is well and good at The Japanese Steakhouse
I couldn’t believe it, this place was empty, not a single person at any of the grills. Actually I called in advance and reserved the whole place to ourselves... that’s a lie!! HAHAHA Maybe nonone was there because it was 2 o’clock in the afternoon??... So it did have that awkward silence in the place for just a minute. The waitress showed up and we all chose what we wanted to feed our faces with. Then within minutes out came the chef, cart full of seasonings, utensils, and a pile of food to cook. Oh ya don’t forget the thick accent:wink:wink

Then some fillet mignon, chicken, shrimp and some calamari just for fun

Now this part was what made me laugh soo hard, the flaming onion. Remember the kids have never been to a place like this so they were totally caught off guard. The chef stacks up some onion rings into a volcano shape, then squirts some oil on the grill and lights it on fire.

The kids both jumped back in their seats and covered their heads. Then turned back around with eyes wide open not knowing what to think. Me on the other hand... ya, I was laughing pretty hard at this point. I believe my laughter got them to laugh of the fact that they almost peed their pants.
So ummm ya, the chef would cook it, dish it out and we would eat it. Just like i remembered in Cali the food was so delish!!! Both the kids would just nod their heads as they kept shoveling the food into their mouth when I would ask if they liked it. The way they were eating you would think they were starving or something. So I guess that give this place 4 thumbs up from the Splatts clan. And uhhhh... here is some shrimp, steak and calamari that I was able to get a photo of just before it went down the hatch.

As we waddled out of that place and into the Excusion, we all sat back and relaxed for a minute. AAAAHHHHH. Then everyone echoed, “I’m stuffed!” Then we took off downtown to walk off our full bellies and check out some cars... Over 600 cars had sign up this year for the local car show. Within the first couple blocks, my head was absolutely spinning as we made our way down Main Street.
Rat Rods

Everything Else... Well not everything...

Check this out!! The headlights on this car still had the wick inside of them. Truly amazing in my book for something to be preserved for that long.
Here How about a Ferrari..
Murph and his Murph Mobile
And A
Hell Camino
I could go on and on and on and on and on.... ok you get the point. The amount of time and money people put into these cars truly shows just by simply walking by. 60-70 year old cars brought back to life by highly skilled individuals who take pride in every detail.

I stared at this car for a long time, imaging how much time was put into this paint job. How does someone come up with such an intricate design and just goes so well with this car? I guess with enough time and money things like this can be created.

Now look up close...
Countless hours must have been spent taping and painting. Not to mention someone had to pay the painter for those hours. So detailed...
From drooling on myself at the Japanese Steakhouse to drooling over these cars I was getting a little parched. Not to mention it was close to 90F and grossly humid! We don’t have many humid days but today was pretty nasty. We stopped in and grabbed a couple bottles waters and continued to check out more of these works of art.

I don’t know what was used to apply all this detail but it looks like a silver permanent marker to me??
Alright, our waters are gone, it’s hot, it’s humid, it’s time to cool off with a whopper of a waffle cone at Bright’s Candies at the other end of the car show. I swear we couldn’t get there fast enough. I know I didn’t help with the speed of things. I just couldn’t resist stopping and check out some cars that I missed on the first pass.

Finally we arrived at Bright’s Candies, trying to avoid grabbing a little of this and a little of that on our way to the back of the store was tough. You see the back of the store is where the good stuff is at.

Sorry I had a little bit of a fail here, I didn’t get any photos of the Ice Cream selection. There were around 20 different flavors to choose from. You could get your waffle cone dipped in chocolate then dipped in sprinkles. How cool is that?!? We just stuck with the original waffle cone this go around but next time we might get a little wild.

Now if that isn’t a way to end a Splatterday I don’t know what is.

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Well @jlsplatts.. I just have this kinda food as my dinner few minutes ago😊 but reading your fff.. 😯 I think you forgot to add the frenzy too😆 imagine the kids jumped back and cover the head, staring at those incredible cars and the epic Ice Cream picture... 😨 I need to find something to eat before I sleep and dreaming about the fried rice at hibachi grill😴 ...gotta save my soul from your dangerous fffffffff things!
Holy FFF. Nice 🤪
This whole post is enough to make the crowd go bananas, or steak or whatever. Literally speechless, and looks like a deliciously fantabioulor time 👍🏿. 5 STARS***** Holmes.
The kids didn’t like the humidity much but the ice cream solved that issue. Lol. I could eat at the Hibachi Grill for every meal!! OMG
Posted using Partiko iOS
Lol, thats awesome! Ive never ate at a hibachi grill :(. Looks amazing.
Great post. Food looks delicious and what a great experience for the kids. I remember the first time I went to a joint like this, I was amazed.
Love the classic cars, the one with the wick still in the headlight is really cool.
My son and I built a replica of a classic car entirely from wood. It was part of a job we had for a Goya Foods party.
What a wonderful day spent with the family. It doesn't get any better.
I could wonder around and stare at classic cars all day. I may not know make and model but I do know it looks pretty awesome!!
That is dang cool right there!! I bet that took some quality father and some time to build that baby. 😎😎
Posted using Partiko iOS
I think it’s gonna be a sectionalized response dude. I just read the first paragraph and I’m already here—sectionalized. Great intro man! That intro alone is worth the reward, way to set the stage..
This has nothing to do with your article, this sentence right here but, back there when I typed ‘reward,’ let’s pretend for a minute I typed retard, is that totally politically incorrect or will that one slide? Is that a slider or a cross the liner? Ok, I’m going to read again.
“Japanese Kitchen,” yeah, I’m sure there’s only one of those. I’ll be back.
Nah, they’re probably pricey. Back.
Cali. Drives me crazy when people say that. Whenever someone says “ah, you’re from Cali.” “Nah, California people don’t say that.” I’ll be back.
That shrimp looks so good. Back.
That car with the nice paint? Did you get to hear that fire up? Great shots of these cars dude. Oh, that Ferrari reminds me, I saw a “How it’s made” once that featured a Ferrari. That show also had a fire truck, the fire truck is like 150k to build or something and the Ferrari is $250 to build. Yeah, go ahead and google that one, they’re almost twice the price of a truck that saves the world. Back.
Man, this is a long response huh? Well, I guess it’s a long article so a long response is kinda warranted.
I was talking about the blue car back there, the brown one was nice too. Great contender, chef! Frikkin awesome man, you totally had me intrigued the whole way and the way you set it up, you first paragraph was awesome. I’m taking notes. 👍🏿
Congrats on the reward here, that woulda been rewarded if this one didn’t hit.
Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 60
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
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for you. Enjoy it! Hey @jlsplatts, here is a bitYou seem like such a great hubby and dad, this is so wonderful to see.
Now don't get all teary eyed on me...just sayin"
Have a great weekend, my friend!!!Hey @jlsplatts, this has got to be one of your best posts, loved it!