It happens to us all I guess. I removed the pressure of the monetary reward and it seemed to help. I post for me and if no one likes it or bites then it is what it is. Of course, like all, I want to earn.
Anyway, try this...I started a #whereonwednesday tag. Basically you just write where you would rather be on a Wednesday and post it on a Wednesday. You might find yourself getting more creative, more inspired. No pressure, just one post a week and not many words, 300-400 and you're done.
Posted using Partiko Android
Cool idea. I can use some inspiration on a weekly basis. Used to have different things going to write about but I kind of ran out of material, so having a go to on Wednesday like I generally do on Friday would be good. I probably have no shortage of places I would rather be, too. :)
It's gold, because you don't have to have been to wherever...Just want to be there at this given point. Tag it #whereonwednesday so I don't miss them. You take a look at the last nine weeks of mine if you like.
Posted using Partiko Android