Feminism And The Women's March On Washington

in #feminism8 years ago (edited)

Some time ago I wrote an article about radical feminism. Yesterday's march reminded me that it may in fact still have some relevance.


Irene Hervey

Heddy Lamarr

Myrna Loy

Vera Rubin


Miley Cyrus


When we look at the progress women have made over the past several decades it is undeniable that many changes have occurred, not all for the good- or even for the benefit of women. I've chosen some pictures: Then & Now. They show how we, in the name of progress, have come to view women and why.

Irene Hervey & Myrna Loy: I included them because they are beautiful, talented and classy. Young people are drawn to celebrities as role models and these two beautiful ladies would do fine, in my estimation. They didn't need shouting, angry lesbians to get attention or their rights. They did it on their own and lived life on their own terms.

Heddy Lamarr: Was said by many to be to be the most beautiful woman of her generation. But there was an incredible brain behind that beautiful face. Born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, in Vienna, Austria, Heddy Lamarr became one of the most famous movie stars of the 1930's and 40's. She was also an electronics genius who, with her partner invented Spread Spectrum Technology. This technology manipulated radio frequencies at irregular intervals and allowed the Allies during WWII to prevent their communications from being intercepted. Like I said...not only beautiful but smart.

Vera Rubin: I doubt many know Ms. Rubin. This lovely young woman became interested in astronomy at an early age. She went on to get ther Ph.D in astrophysics and is credited with discovering Dark Matter. For other dummies like myself...it's the black stuff between stars. For centuries scientists believed space to be a vacuum, even Stephen Hawkin, who came up with the quantum mechanics of the Big Bang theory. I explained the problems with theory in another blog, but without matter, gravity just doesn't work. Ms. Rubin's work should make her a role model for any young woman, especially one interested in science. But, few people even know who she is. Once again, not only pretty, but smart.

Which brings us to Miley Cyrus, who I doubt can even spell astrophysics. She claims that her act, depicted in her photos, "empowers women." Madonna is cut out of the same cloth and perhaps I should have mentioned her first because her "act" came a decade or two before Miley (thank God I couldn't find any recent pictures). It has been reported in the news that she has offered oral sex to any man who voted for Hillary Clinton- the champion of radical feminism. Given her paucity of talent, I guess it's the most meaningful contribution she is capable of making to political discourse. What passes for the face of modern day feminism is a slew of vituperative lesbians and a parade of nasty skanks.

The problem with feminism is inherent in virtually all movements. When significant progress is made, the movement is usurped by it's worst and most radical element. The Civil Rights movement has been usurped by Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter. They are not interested in civil rights, but fame and personal gain. Under the pretense of equal right for gays, the radical members parade around in public wearing leather jockstraps, or less. How exposing themselves in front of children is supposed to garner sympathy for their cause escapes me.

Islam, "the religion of peace" has been taken over by militant terrorists. Although there are many Muslims who wish to live in peace, you never see them or hear from them. Even Christianity isn't exempt. There is the extremist Westboro Baptist Church who protest at the funerals of fallen heroes. The Catholic Church has a Marxist Pope- one of the fundamentals of Marxism is that there is no God. Vatican II formulated by John XXIII (a Freemason) and implemented by Paul VI has attempted to radicalize the Church. It has been argued that there has only been one legitimate Pope since Pius X in 1914. (John Paul I) It is radicalism that is responsible for the vast majority of today's problems.

It is not the quest for equality for women (or any other group) that is the problem. Who can legitimately argue against equal rights for anyone? The alleged disparities that exist virtually all have rational explanations. For example, men tend to get higher pay- men also tend to take the more dangerous jobs. Women such as Madonna, Miley Cyrus crave money and attention, not equal rights. What we have in the case of the women in the pictures is: Class vs. Ass! Women like Rosie O'Donnell (a failed comedian) want to accrue power, they are already equal in every meaningful sense. As long as they can maintain an environment of animosity between men and women- they have a platform from which to spew their vitriol. In every important sense, women are by far less happy than they were before the advent of feminism. Tragic!


Weird the link doesn't seem to work for me. Could you cut and paste the article here?

The photos won't be there...Weird, I clicked the link and it When we look at the progress women have made over the past several decades it is undeniable that many changes have occurred, not all for the good- or even for the benefit of women. I've chosen some pictures: Then & Now. They show how we, in the name of progress, have come to view women and why.

Irene Hervey & Myrna Loy: I included them because they are beautiful, talented and classy. Young people are drawn to celebrities as role models and these two beautiful ladies would do fine, in my estimation. They didn't need shouting, angry lesbians to get attention or their rights. They did it on their own and lived life on their own terms.

Heddy Lamarr: Was said by many to be to be the most beautiful woman of her generation. But there was an incredible brain behind that beautiful face. Born Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler, in Vienna, Austria, Heddy Lamarr became one of the most famous movie stars of the 1930's and 40's. She was also an electronics genius who, with her partner invented Spread Spectrum Technology. This technology manipulated radio frequencies at irregular intervals and allowed the Allies during WWII to prevent their communications from being intercepted. Like I said...not only beautiful but smart.

Vera Rubin: I doubt many know Ms. Rubin. This lovely young woman became interested in astronomy at an early age. She went on to get ther Ph.D in astrophysics and is credited with discovering Dark Matter. For other dummies like myself...it's the black stuff between stars. For centuries scientists believed space to be a vacuum, even Stephen Hawkin, who came up with the quantum mechanics of the Big Bang theory. I explained the problems with theory in another blog, but without matter, gravity just doesn't work. Ms. Rubin's work should make her a role model for any young woman, especially one interested in science. But, few people even know who she is. Once again, not only pretty, but smart.

Which brings us to Miley Cyrus, who I doubt can even spell astrophysics. She claims that her act, depicted in her photos, "empowers women." Madonna is cut out of the same cloth and perhaps I should have mentioned her first because her "act" came a decade or two before Miley (thank God I couldn't find any recent pictures). It has been reported in the news that she has offered oral sex to any man who voted for Hillary Clinton- the champion of radical feminism. Given her paucity of talent, I guess it's the most meaningful contribution she is capable of making to political discourse. What passes for the face of modern day feminism is a slew of vituperative lesbians and a parade of nasty skanks.

The problem with feminism is inherent in virtually all movements. When significant progress is made, the movement is usurped by it's worst and most radical element. The Civil Rights movement has been usurped by Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter. They are not interested in civil rights, but fame and personal gain. Under the pretense of equal right for gays, the radical members parade around in public wearing leather jockstraps, or less. How exposing themselves in front of children is supposed to garner sympathy for their cause escapes me.

Islam, "the religion of peace" has been taken over by militant terrorists. Although there are many Muslims who wish to live in peace, you never see them or hear from them. Even Christianity isn't exempt. There is the extremist Westboro Baptist Church who protest at the funerals of fallen heroes. The Catholic Church has a Marxist Pope- one of the fundamentals of Marxism is that there is no God. Vatican II formulated by John XXIII (a Freemason) and implemented by Paul VI has attempted to radicalize the Church. It has been argued that there has only been one legitimate Pope since Pius X in 1914. (John Paul I) It is radicalism that is responsible for the vast majority of today's problems.

It is not the quest for equality for women (or any other group) that is the problem. Who can legitimately argue against equal rights for anyone? The alleged disparities that exist virtually all have rational explanations. For example, men tend to get higher pay- men also tend to take the more dangerous jobs. Women such as Madonna, Miley Cyrus crave money and attention, not equal rights. What we have in the case of the women in the pictures is: Class vs. Ass! Women like Rosie O'Donnell (a failed comedian) want to accrue power, they are already equal in every meaningful sense. As long as they can maintain an environment of animosity between men and women- they have a platform from which to spew their vitriol. In every important sense, women are by far less happy than they were before the advent of feminism. Tragic!went right to the article.

Thanks! I think the real problem is human nature. It is a human tendency to misuse things and corrupt them.

Too true! I've written a lot about how every movement or institution, no matter how noble the original intent, is eventually usurped by it's worst element!

Yes it always happens. I've seen it myself even in small groups doing mundane things like art or photography - even then there are people who try to take over for their own ends. I don't know if there is any way to truly get rid of it.

There is...it's just not widely acceptable lol!

The blogger link appears to require a blogger account to be viewed. Can it be made public?
edit It appears that my active google/youtube account doesn't have access anyway. It must be a setting on your end preventing it from being viewed.

Hmmm...Someone else had the same problem. Ok I'll redo it!

Interesting read with some interesting points. Women today are the most sexualised they have ever been in history. Their sexualisation is used to sell products, so it's no wonder that women who tend to get to the top in entertainment will use sexuality for that reason. There are a lot of great feminists, groups, and movements, but you won't hear about them with todays media circus.

I'm a supporter of topless women protesting, because it takes back their sexualisation from being that as a commercial tool, to being used as a political weapon. Men and women should both be allowed to walk around topless without being hassled or harrassed.

In regards to Islam it is an unfair assumption that is has been taken over by terrorists. This is just what the media tells us. The international Muslim community is constantly condemning terrorism, and saying that Terrorism is not part of Islam; it even says in the Quran that Terrorism is worse than killing. But all we hear is the fear, hate, and ignorance from our media and politicians.

The amount of terrorist attacks from "Muslims" in both Europe and the USA is miniscule in comparison to other religions. In Europe 2015 "Muslims" accounted for 2% of terrorist attacks. In the USA between 1980 and 2005 "Muslims" accounted for 6% of the terrorist attacks. You don't hear about the non-muslim attacks, but if they were carried out by Muslims you would.

There are some really great feminists, but like in any other movement, reasonable people are shoved aside and replaced by the most radical. I guess it's the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" syndrome. I like Christina Hoff Sommers and Camille Paglia, both make a lot of sense. I got to spend an hour or so with Camille when I was in Washington at a conference...what a wit!

I've never came across the "squeaky wheel" idiom before.

Attributed to this poem:

"I hate to be a kicker,
I always long for peace,
But the wheel that does the squeaking,
Is the one that gets the grease."

I just heard it in one of those old sayings "the squeaky wheel always gets the grease." I have never heard the root.