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RE: A Man’s Guide to Approaching Women on Steemit

in #feminism7 years ago

Thanks for the post, Lily.

My initial reaction was a combination of feeling sad that our culture is at a point where such a post is needed and also glad that, given we are where we are, and therefore it DOES need to be said, you've said it beautifully. Direct. Non-judgmental. Clear. And eminently reasonable.

Upon reflection, though, I began to see the need for posts such as yours in a much more positive light. We find ourselves in a time of cultural evolution and cross-cultural collisions. The old norms around relationships are breaking down (finally!), along with many other norms (economic, infrastructure, medicine, religion, media, justice, governance, education, etc.) . This puts us in a fluid state where new norms have yet to be established, opening the door for creative exploration.

And in this space, people with the courage and clarity to say, "this is what is and is not OK for me," are essential voices contributing to the dialog leading to establishing the new norms.

Thanks for your courage in putting it out there!


Hey, thank you so much for this gorgeous comment, I appreciate it. I’m glad it didn’t come across as judgmental because I didn’t want it too--I don’t take offense at these things, I can see why they’re happening--I just wish they didn’t. I think its good to give folks the benefit of the doubt and hope its because they genuinely aren’t quite sure how to appropriately interact. :) If we’re all committed to growing, then no hard feelings on my end!