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While spending time near Arles in the South of France we dove to the Mediterranean coast one Sunday to visit the Camarge. The last thing I expected to see in France at the Ornithological Park of Pont de Gau were flamingos!
I had seen flamingos in Bonaire and associated them with the Caribbean, and was delighted to come upon them in France!
They stay in this area of France year round.
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Brilliant click
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Thank you!
Buenas noches amiga @melinda010100 deseo que se encuentre bien . Lindas imágenes de esos flamingos, aquí en la isla hay pero no e tenido la oportunidad de tomarle fotos ya que donde están me queda muy lejos de donde yo vivo. Que tenga una feliz noche amiga.
Cuando estaba en Bonaire, grandes bandadas de flamencos volaban al mar por la noche. cuando pregunté a dónde iban me dijeron que volaban de regreso a Venezuela todas las noches. Fue la primera vez que me di cuenta de lo cerca que estaba de tu país.
Si amiga aquí hay dos lugares donde ellos pasan el día pero me queda a 1 hora en carro para llegar donde están ellos . Tengo unas fotos guardadas cuando tuve la oportunidad de ir a México En el 2013 y le tome unas fotos a unos flamingos de cerca algún día las publicaré amiga .
¡oh Dios! asegúrese de usar la etiqueta #featheredfriday.
Beautiful. I have never seen pink flamingos yet ( in person)
They are awesome to see!
Verry good this is beautiful animal friends
Thanks! They are lovely!
What a unique strange but beautiful bird ...
Pink birds! They are strange to see!
That is wicked cool, Melinda! I had no idea flamingos hang out in France either, and you got some great captures of them. Happy (early) Feathered Friday!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 24/28)
Thanks, Traci! I couldn't have been more surprised to see them there!
So beautiful, all are perfect shot. Thanks for share.
Thanks! Wish I could retake these photos with the camera I have now!
There is something special about looking at flamingos Melinda, thank you.
They are interesting to watch!
hi there, here is my entry for this week:
I brought some gulls on the table.
ps. watershadows was a hard challenge to me.
kudos to all who could enter it with some fruits :P
It was a hard one for everyone! This week's chair shadows will be easier. Your gull photos are great.
merci! :=)
Lovely captures, Melinda. Such beautiful delicate looking birds.
And they are pink! These were a pale pink, but pink all the same!
Oh, how I would love to see flamingos! Lovely shots, Melinda! Here's my post for this week: https://steemit.com/featheredfriday/@keithboone/seagulls-and-driftwood-for-feathered-friday
Thanks! Go take that cruise to flamingo country! 😉
They are absolutely stunning! I am also surprised you encounter then in France. I always though of them as Tropical birds. Great shots Melinda 😍
They were not as bright pink as the ones I have seen in the tropics, but they were quite lovely!
I guess their color must have something to do with the climate.....very interesting. And yes they are beautiful whether light pink or bright pink.
I think they get their color from eating shrimp. Maybe they are eating different types of seafood here.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!! I see! That is interesting!
When a neighbour has Chickens and little D is in love again
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How fortunate to see a whole flock of flamingos!
Unfortunately the only flamingos I've seen are the plastic garden ornament ones!
Thank you dear for your support. This is my entry:
Beautiful no matter where they are. I also like those plastic ones. lol.
I have seen those plastic ones placed in the middle of the front yard after a big snowstorm. It always makes me laugh!
lol! That's funny..I should get some to put in our yard.
You could put a big flock down by your pond. I bought a plastic goose that had a wind sock body attached to it and put it down next to a small pond in our yard. I had someone from the DNR stop by threatening to give me a fine for keeping wildlife without a permit and I had the hardest time convincing the man that it was not a real goose!
lol! oh that is hilarious! Did he go down and look at it closer?
I think I was laughing hard enough at him that he felt foolish and just left! I did worry a bit about our natural resources knowing that he was being paid to manage them!
Ha! Oh man, that's funny but pitiful at the same time. Yes, if he is managing them I'd be concerned! He sounds like a bureaucrat trying to make himself feel important.
French Flamingos? That is a first for me. : ) Did you see the plastic flamingos on front lawns like you see here? LOL! I love the last photo. : )
Here is mine: https://steemit.com/featheredfriday/@whatisnew/feathered-friday-mourning-dove-molting
I love it when people here in Wisconsin stick plastic flamingos in their front yard after a heavy snowstorm!
No way! That is hilarious. LOL!
I loved that french area, although I really hadn't time for exploration, I went on work. As for flamingos, there's tons of them here too :) Have to dig up some photos, pretty sure I have a few somewhere!
I was not in that area very long, either. And it makes perfect sense that if those birds are in France you would have them in Portugal, too!
Yeah! Besides... here is sunnier! ;)
They must be wise birds!
Awww. They only visit here on their migration route. I didn't know they had the white ones in France. Do they make a different sound? Like a Frenchie-flamingo?
Are you thinking of Pelicans? I don't think flamingos ever come this far North. I'm pretty sure that the only place in the US that sees them is southern Florida.
I don't remember hearing an accent! 😀
Ha! Well, you know how my eyes are. I've never seen white flamingos. There was a sea of pink ones in the marshy area between Cádiz and Jerez de la Frontera that I would see from the train window, when I lived in Spain.
It's still funny when people call "flamenco" music "flamingo." :-)
Graceful beauties @melinda010100 lovely captures of them, sorry I missed you this week will be back again 😊 have a wonderful day.
Thanks! No worries my very supportive friend!
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French flamingos, all "pretty in pink!"
Their plumage on top is more whitish in color but their faces and legs are a striking, rich shade of pink. That's truly an unexpected site! I bet the food the flamingos are eating is delectable -- gourmet French cuisine!
Thanks for doing such a delightful #featheredfriday post! I know the seafood that I was eating in that area of France was memorable!
Once I get the hang of using my new digital camera I hope to start getting better photos of birds in the wild.🦅My pleasure! @Melinda010100
You're lucky you traveled to Europe and I bet the French cuisine was unforgettable!
If reincarnation exists, being a pink flamingo at the Ornithological Park in France wouldn't be half bad!💕
France was a favorite vacation destination. I think I traveled there 8 different times and a few of the trips were for a month at a time. I really really love France.
I can't wait to see bird photos from you! How fun to have a new camera!