howdy and thanks for the opportunity Melinda! The photos weren't the best but since they were taken through a screen I thought they were decent enough to post. The cardinals were so fun to watch, it's wonderful to know that they were a couple, a committed couple too! lol.
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One of their courtship rituals during breeding season is that he feeds her. That may be what is happening in the photo with both of them together
oh how cool! Those dang birds can be romantic!
I love watching them when they bring their young to the feeder for the first time. They leave their fledglings sitting on a tree branch and they come down to the feeder and get a seed and take it back to them and then they do that repeatedly until the young ones finally get it and come down to the feeder and get a seed for themselves.
wow, that would be so interesting to watch! Your backyard has some interesting stuff going on! lol. With the squirrels and chipmonks and birds..educational as well as entertaining.
It is interesting to watch nature happen right in my own back yard!
very true Melinda, it's a thing of beauty. Most of us, me included, should take more time to enjoy and observe nature, it's such a gift.
Because I have been forced to slow down I have had time to learn to observe and appreciate the little things happening around me. Maybe one of the only gifts MS has given me!