in #fearless7 years ago (edited)

In our daily life change in inevitable, each one of us cross the bridge called change some-way or the other in life, each movement is a change, but there are two sides just flip of a coin one in the negative as other positive side of change.

Change has its negative side in form of fear. Fear to lose the present environment, fear to lose present convenient, fear to lose present peer group, fear to lose owns comfort zone in life. Uncomfortable to move towards the change which is going to occur in immediate future. Cause of fear is due to lack of self-confidence about you, especially the confidence about ability with in us. Some sort of insecurity feeling about the event going to take place in our life. Worrying about the changes going to occur, mind body and soul altogether focused on the negative side of the change going to happen, don’t want to face the change or allow the change to happen in life.


Just hanging around those with same daily routine of life, without any efforts to improve the value of our own, just flow with the stream of life, never interested to invest an single minute for personal development, just happy with the peer folk is doing just imitating the same and passing the time, or busy with social media. If you look back past one week routine it will be same, if you observe past one month or one year its same like sunrise and sunsets happens daily.

Same pattern routine of life is a clear indication that no initiative has been taken place in past couple of years if you want to break this scenario then need to move away from ours daily routine, first and foremost step to evaluate the present condition and the event occurring around us, who is yours best friend, who is our peer group, whom do we communicate on regular basis and what is the topics that you discuss during your talks.01..jpg


any individual has any question, i am happy to answer it :)