The Cabal Will Push Their Agenda Hard Now & Ramp Up Chaos For The Next Event - Episode 1448b

in #fcc7 years ago

FCC votes to repeal net neutrality. Nikki Haley uses fake evidence to convince the world that Iran is behind the problem in Yemen. Syria reopens border with Lebanon.US and Russian jets have a close incident which the media is spinning to make it seem like Russia was the cause. Funding for the Syrian opposition has come to and end. Slowly but surely the support for all these groups in Syria is coming to an end. The cabal is ready and prepared to push their agenda, get ready for extreme chaos.


Thanks Dave. Very interesting. Please continue with information.

Nice report. Although I agree with you that the cabal appear to be losing control and that the system (illusion) they have created is collapsing, I still fear that there are nowhere near enough people aware that the cabal even exists and when they get really desperate and start a war with North Korea or Iran or stage some huge false flag, they will still get the result they want due to the fact that although the numbers of awake and aware people are rising by the day, the majority still swallow all the bullshit and call those who speak of a New World Order or Order from Chaos as 'conspiracy theorists' and as the cabal's time grows shorter, desperation on thier part could mean disaster for the world and the majority of people who will behave in exactly the way they have been programmed to behave when faced with a wall of propaganda, fear, war and death.

For those of us that know the truth - particularly of us that know specifically of drugs, sex trafficking, and financial crimes and treason, it will be far worse.

There comes a time when no punishment will prevent our speaking out.

Please take care not to become liable to those worse fates, which no one is safe from, as the death by anal rape of billionaire Andrew Getty shows they can pass off as 'natural causes'.

Sure glad I live to see this happening!