Dear FBI, the evidence that proved the Uranium One scandal leads to evidence that proves other criminal conspiracies that are equivalent or worse than the crimes in your recent indictments.

in #fbi7 years ago

Dear FBI,

Mr. Ruben Vardanyan, who President Putin appointed, is the Russian you are looking for. The evidence is incontrovertible, publicly available and easy to understand.

This man is part of a network of transactions, where money originating from the Kremlin made it through a variety of revenue streams that is factually collusion, treason, misprision of treason and Voorhees Act violations.

The American people have seen many, many people hanged for less.

They spent money used to influence social media, the news on TV and have reached into a variety of other media to influence public opinion during the election. They have manufactured news and committed a variety of crimes that reach all the way to human trafficking and forced labor.

Mr. Ruben Vardanyan's wikipedia page doesn't mention Putin, at this time, I don't think (which I find curious, don't you?), but the world knows he works for Putin and has a long list of businesses and NGOs he is the board or CEO of.

former CEO and controlling shareholder of Troika Dialog

Previously, he served on the boards of directors of Russian Venture Company (2011-2012), and Joule Unlimited, Inc. (U.S.), a pioneer in the production of liquid fuel from solar energy (2010-2017).

Now, we all know, in this day and age, what that means. They are money laundering. Do we have any proof? Of course, the Panama Papers say it all and the ICIJ has proven to have reliable information.

[On a side note, I have a question about their affiliations, because I encountered a number of "shill" accounts that seemed tied to Scientology. Is there any connection? Maybe Bohemian Grove? It is possible they were trying to lead me on a "conspiracy theory" goose chase. If you put that you work for the ICIJ on say... Facebook... could you think of any reason a number of people would try to anonymously ask you about either of those organizations?]

For years there have been reports – mainly from whistleblowers – about Putin’s secret wealth. A few offshore companies, a palace and a mega yacht have all been said to belong to the Russian leader. Various news organizations have also noted how the people around Putin have become rich. Yet a detailed picture of the hidden financial affairs of Putin’s circle has remained elusive.

The records reveal what until now has mostly been the stuff of rumor: how Putin’s cronies secretly conduct their business. The law firm’s internal files show how minions and proxies created structures to hide and move the secret wealth. The records include email correspondence, bank account forms, loan agreements, share transactions and passport scans. Dates, cash amounts and contract terms are detailed.

There is so much information over at the ICIJ, that I am not going to go over all of it. But I will show you one picture, so that you know what we are talking about.

This is what it looks like when you do a search. You can simply go to and type in a company name to see how it starts to connect.

Putin adviser Ruben Vardanyan was board chair and principal owner of the bank that ran Avtoinvest, a big shareholder in Kamaz. In 2008, Vardanyan wanted to consolidate a majority hold on Kamaz, according to press reports, but he needed help. The government of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan held a significant portion of the shares of the company; it had to be persuaded to sell.

As part of the deal, Roldugin’s company obtained a potential say over all aspects of the operation of Kamaz such as “approval of the business plan and budget” and approval over which foreign corporations would be able to invest in the company, if Avtoinvest got its majority.

Roldugin’s company paid $1.5 million for the option and potential rights.

In return, the agreement found in the Mossack Fonseca files spelled out that Roldugin’s company was expected to lobby for the “project,” which was described as getting Avtoinvest its majority.

By late April 2008, Tartarstan entered into an agreement to sell its shares to Avtoinvest, at below market price, according to press reports.

Point being, Mr. Vardanyan is not just an adviser of Putin, they are actively working together to make Putin's friend rich. So, when he is on the board of Joule Unlimited, with John Podesta, shouldn't we all be concerned that Putin has a common agenda of Podesta, who is getting paid a lot of money by him?

Especially when it also shows that John Podesta is actively manipulating the news, behind the scenes, along with other DNC operatives, like Donna Brazile? Have you looked into how much money has come into the DNC directly from Putin's pocket?

This is fact. Putin is paying into the DNC and there is clear evidence that mainstream media outlets cooperate with them. Putin is doing this through Ruben Vardanyan, in the case of John Podesta and The Podesta Group.

My understanding is that Tony Podesta resigned from the Podesta Group as well, but are they still shareholders? Like Mr. Vardanyan, who is no longer CEO of Troika Dialog, but is still a major shareholder?

Let's quickly review the evidence behind what I just said...

This is John Podesta's email that explain exactly how he is hiding money from Joule Unlimited... Russian Money. It is going to his daughter's company, Leonidio LLC.

I dug back further and confirm that the original terms were for a 4 year vesting schedule of which John was ¾ vested (this reflects what John actually exercised – i.e. 75,000 out of 100,000 options). The 4 year schedule is reflected in the “offer” letter which our previous CEO sent to John and John signed and sent back. It is also reflected in the Board minutes where John’s grant was approved. Please see the attachments for reference. The good news is that I think John understands these options to be 4 year vesting and that his exercise of 75,000 shares is correct.

This happened January 6, 2014, where John seemed ready to vest most of his shares via approval of Ruben Vardanyan. Curious to know when he got the other 25,000? Me too.

Is any of this reported anywhere? Because, if not, that would be a violation of the Voorhees Act, wouldn't it?

The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterintelligence and Export Control Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.

You can find a few Podesta entities just by searching for Podesta, like Podesta Associates, Heather Podesta & Partners and the Podesta Group. This seems like a lot of avenues to get money from, as well, don't you think? Kind of like the Russians?

Here is what the Podesta emails reveal about their attitude, when it comes to foreign registered agents...

                Date: 2015-04-17 01:38
                Subject: Re: Foreign registered agents

                Take the money!!

This is the list of media outlets that the emails revealed were colluding with Podesta. Were all these interactions disclosed?

Is it true that this document was filed the same time that Manafort was arrested?

Didn't he also just "Take the money!!"?

The Daily Caller knows this is the truth, too.

Tony Podesta’s lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, represented the Russian-owned company Uranium One during former President Barack Obama’s administration and did not register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, The Daily Caller News Foundation has determined.

And this is where it starts to get really dicey, because the Clintons are going to Kazakhstan to secure uranium rights for a South African company where the mines are using forced slave labor and require human trafficking networks from Mongolia to provide them with their slaves.

The problem is, Frank Giustra bought Uranium One and then named his own Canadian company Uranium One, then sold THAT to Rosatom. I don't think enough people are aware of that.

Media Matters and the New YOrk Times were already running interference on these issues as early as 2008. They had been setting up this for for a long time, securing up uranium all over the world for RUBEN VARDANYAN AND ROSATOM.


This has been a massive concentration of wealth where mining rights are being sucked up by a massive, corrupt machine. The closer you look, the worse it gets.

Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich of Glencore. They have been on the radar, for years, for utilizing slave labor. Even a CEO was recently arrested for this crime. All those years ago, guess who worked the case... JAMES COMEY!. I think they've been working together for a long time.

Before the pardon, Rich's wife made a series of donations to support Democratic Party causes. Critics suggested that the donations and the pardon were connected.

With Glencore's connection to human trafficking and known human traffickers , isn't it problematic that they are paying into the DNC for political favors? Isn't this much of the same? Hasn't this always been illegal?

It is certainly obvious and there is no questioning it is happening and the entire world is wondering WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT!?

We see the news and we see the Internet and we are increasingly aware how bad the situation is with paid propaganda. The Clintons, involved in scandal after scandal are getting away with it because of people like Ruben Vardanyan, Vladimir Putin, John Podesta and YOU.

And it seems that the FBI or the corrupt influences within the FBI have unfarily manipulated the news and ARE ACTIVELY MANIPULATING THE NEWS because there is story after story using the tone of constipated anxiety about Trump and Russia, but they never mention these ties.

The following emails explain that they are going to take foreign money during the primaries and just gloss over FARA requirements. They are actively ignoring FARA requirements across the board.

How much worse could Trump really be than this? In order to get closer, he would have to have obviously exchanged tens of millions of dollars with Putin, himself.

So... from the American people who are aware that this is all going on, we want to know...

What is the FBI going to do about blatant and obvious corruption?

Why is the DNC allowed to use the news and astroturf the Internet using DARVO tactics on both sides?

This situation is completely insane and if a kid can dig up this evidence in an evening of surfing the Internet, why are you so far behind in this investigation? We all knew Andrew McCabe's wife was taking money from this corrupt money supply for over a year and you let him stay. Bruce Ohr. Bill Priestap. IS EVERYONE COMPROMISED OVER THERE?

We all know there is an email where Hillary references leverage over Bernie Sanders. Isn't that illegal? Racketeering? Intimidation? Isn't she essentially acting like Putin's goon in order to steal the primaries?

The American people need to go back to being anti-war and pro-transparency. We are demanding that lobbyists don't drag us into proxy conflicts using our intelligence and military apparatus that are seemingly often for corporate interests or for the interest of black budgets.

The intelligence community in the US is participating in the trafficking of drugs, guns and, now it seems, people.

This has to stop. At this stage, it is like the FBI needs to be dismantled because the intelligence community has turned on the Constitution and on the American people and it has the nerve to tell us in the news that we should find a lot of ways to think that torturing our own people is okay.

We are told that we need to give up privacy and security for good sounding reasons, but the result is that it empowers you to sell more drugs, more guns and trade in more of our flesh.

And is bad as the intelligence community has treated the American people...

Several significant operational techniques were developed in this theater, including extensive research into sexual blackmail, surveillance technology, and the possible use of mind-altering drugs in field operations.[130]

Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.

What the intelligence community has done to the world is the blackest stain on mankind in human history.

The picture tells the whole story.

Dear FBI, we demand an explanation.

  • Everyone with a brain

This is why the shills are working less and less and this is why the people who know the truth won't let it go. Stop gaslighting America and start giving explanations that make sense.


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