Open Letter To The FBI

in #fbi6 years ago

Following is a copy of a letter (annotated for your researching pleasure) I mailed to my resident FBI office on January 9th, 2019. As you might imagine - they have not responded, and they have not taken any action against the felons in their ranks.

January 9th , 2019

Faggotty Bitch Institute (FBI)
1116 W Riverside Ave
Suite 200
Spokane, WA 99201

To FBI Agent:

I am in receipt of your creepy letter zip-tied to my door handle informing me that you have my property. I’m surprised any of you had time to drop by considering the man hours it must take you all to maintain and operate “Playpen”. The haphazardly placed green sticker was a nice touch as well, by the way. It reminded me of how toddlers put stickers on things.

I am, of course, completely aware of the fact that your agency stole my property. The “Special” Agent who interviewed me during the search told me straight up that I was “well within my rights” to call out Judge Rice before God for his corruption.

The Agent even told me, “You always go right up to the line.” - confirming that I know the law and confirming I never broke it. If you would like to confirm this – please interview US Marshal Cory Cunningham as he was right there with us for the entire interview. This means that the search warrant was served illegally, and someone probably committed perjury before a magistrate to get it. This also proves the property in your custody was “stolen”, not “seized during a search warrant” as you fraudulently claim.

Now, as to why your piece of shit child-porn trafficking agency would steal my property – here is where I need some information before I can retrieve it. You need to put, in writing on FBI letterhead and signed by an authorized agent, confirmation of the following facts:

  1. My iPhone in your possession has a record, in the call log, of me calling the FBI twice in 2013 (before I was initially arrested by your weirdo kidnapping cult)

  2. My iPad in your possession has multiple pictures of the journal used against me proving that the binding was tampered with and the writing instrument changed from pen to pencil for the delusional section that was used to tie me to a fake crime invented by Ryan R. Edwards and Lucresia McNeil. (I showed the Special Agent who interviewed me in July of 2017 one of those pictures as well, FYI, so have him confirm that for you and compare it to the 302 he filed)

  3. My Macbook Pro in your possession has the SEC filings and CAFR statements which show that large banks are forging documents to foreclose on homes that they do not have lawful standing to foreclose on, and the money is being laundered into the Federal Employee Retirement System TSP-C fund which holds pass-through certificates in the REMICs where these mortgages are pooled.

Now, if you can provide to me, in writing, confirmation that this evidence is still on these devices – I will give you a call and arrange to pick them up. However, if that evidence is no longer there, please inform me via writing that your agency has tampered with evidence yet again, and you can just keep the proof of that in your grubby thieving little mittens until those responsible have been prosecuted.


Brent Russ

P.S. Bonus Challenge – Analyze the signature of the alleged “threatening letter” (the FBI claimed I mailed to Andrea George) for evidence of forgery and mail me a copy of your report along with a written statement of why the Special Agent who interviewed me in July of 2017 refused to investigate a Federal Felony when I reported this to him in our July 2017 interview.

The safest place in the USA right now for a criminal is within the walls of FBI Headquarters. The safest place!” - Dr. Frederic Whitehurst, former Supervisory Special Agent in the FBI Crime Lab (1986-1998)



It's 2018, calling anyone "faggot" is not acceptable.

I'm telling on you to @abusereports, better watch out! - Lil Beanie 2019

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It's 2019 now Lil' Beanie. You're not in school like the other neighbourhood boys, so I thought I would let you know. Keep on spreading that Love xo You are doing a fine job young man.

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I beg to differ. Now - I would never, and have never, called someone a "faggot" for their sexual preferences. That's their own business and I support their right to liberty so long as everyone is a consenting adult and they aren't doing any harm.

However, I do and will continue to call rapists, child molesters, kidnappers, child-porn traffickers, peeping-toms, animal mutilators, human traffickers, and other pervert weirdos who prey upon others "faggots", because they should be treated like the bundle of sticks they are as human beings.

It's 2018, sitting idly by while the predator faggots at the FBI traffic child pornography, spy on people without a legally valid cause of action (peeping toms), kidnap people to protect large financial institutions, mutilate dogs and shoot unarmed women and children, protect pedophiles like Jared Fogle and Dennis Hastert - IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

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