Fathers Have Rights?

in #fathers4justice7 years ago

(Frivolous contempt of court charge) from the movie Catch-22: The Truth Will Be Known.. or reality?

Song: Job
Album: Pianowerks
Artist: John Michael


  1. the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn,
  2. disregard for something that should be taken into account.
  3. the offense of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers.

“Respect is earned not given or forced at gunpoint. - Sir John Michael” which is written above the doors of the NWO Council of Elders Convention Center in 8city United Korea.

Having to have paid thousands of dollars for a lawyer, every penny his father left him when he died, to help make sure his ex-wife was legally unable to relocate out of the country with their son before Japan signed the Hague Convention, which was a common and constant threat of her’s, the man fell behind on his child support by a few thousand dollars which was the same amount he paid his lawyer Jay McCown who did more damage than good by relaying wrong court dates (yes multiple). In one situation he did not even show up to court. Mr. McCown represented the man’s father in his divorce which was an adultery case but was allowed to be recorded as unreconcilable differences. Jay McCown is like an ambulance chaser when it comes to representing fathers who love their kids. He preys on their emotional weakness to line his pockets with their last few dollars. The man first met Mr. McCown while attempting to appeal his divorce order. Mr. McCown pointed out the fact that judge Cheonopolis would not hear any cases which weren't represented by a lawyer. I've come across multiple witnesses to his comment being correct even though it criminally violates constitutional rights which every judge, law-enforcement officer and every military bodybag has taken an oath to uphold. The man was under the impression that a judge’s duty is to make sure no one's constitutional rights are violated in the process of two parties coming to a legally binding contractual agreement held up by the constant threat of lethal violence enforced by publicly educated low IQ martial drones commonly referred to as pigs contrary to the dog reference in Animal Farm.”

Knowing the definition of contempt, the man was confused as to why the tyrannical system forced him at gunpoint to show up to court to defend his integrity. It's not like he was willingly neglecting his child or even in a position to pay child support at that time with all the financial damages caused by his ex-wife in their divorce. All of their accumulated debt was dumped onto his head leaving her financially free while ruining his credit and pushing him one step from the street. Two credit cards, a mortgage on a house she hadn't spent one night in and the loss of a job caused by the man's inability to deal with the stress of having his child kidnapped by a known criminal and confidence scam artist who used him for a green card with the help of his sociopathic mother, sister, and “the motherfucker” who continues in a carnal relationship with his mother and who is called Papa by the man’s son which was the same name the man called his real grandfather on his mother's side, one would suppose a woman would have a little respect for her father and son. In this case the man's mother is so psychologically twisted she is able to ignore the atrocities she has committed and continues to commit against the men in her life.

This is the letter that proved that the man was in contempt of court resulting in the standard court fees and two years suspended sentence instead of the 90 days in jail as requested by the man's ex-wive’s lawyer which would have resulted in a second job lost. We find out later in the story four jobs were lost as a direct result of his ex-wives actions. It was downloaded by his sister Leah from his MySpace page and given to his ex-wife to use as an offensive weapon against the innocent man. Ironically she tried to convince him that his ex-wife was up to no good before he got married. She even called to tell him that his ex-wife asked his brother-in-law to pimp her out or at least take her to a strip club so she can run a con. Now the man's sister, being manipulated as the fool she is, has teamed up with his criminal ex-wife to try to destroy his son's life by not allowing him to have a somewhat normal relationship with his dad.