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RE: On Becoming A Father

in #father6 years ago (edited)

First of all congratulations, you're life sure is about to be changed totally, that's what other parents tend to say at least :) "Having children changed everything", and as you probably won't love anything more than your own child, I'll believe it.

They will continue on after you're gone, continuing your lineage and the thousands of men and women before you. Term torchbearer easily comes to my mind.

I'm sure you'll do just fine being a parent seeing the effort you're already putting in and having great dad yourself. You know where he did great and where he could've improved. That's a huge advantage already over those who didn't have a dad growing up. I think the most important part really is just being there for her. Being a friend and a parent, learning who she is as a person, what are her dreams, fears... and telling her that anything in this world is possible with enough passion.

You get to do all that, how cool is that?! I hope you and your family happiness for decades to come.

PS. I haven't personally read Calvin and Hobbes, but it might be a great choice as a reading material for children, so I've heard. The author denied selling the rights for big bucks, not wanting to spoil his lifework. That alone is a respectable act from a man of honor, I'd say!