My 7 day water only fast...

in #fasting6 years ago

During a water, or dry fast, the body receives complete digestive rest, this frees up the bodies energy to put towards healing only...

The task of Digesting food uses a lot of energy, especially if one is eating complex foods such as grains, starches, dairy, meat, eggs, etc...

The body can only engage in one difficult task at a time, therefore, if the body is digesting, it is not healing...

This is why fruit is at the top of the food chain, fruit digests faster than any other food, leaving small, periodic windows in between meals & during the night, for’s not the fruit that heals, it’s the digestive rest that heals, although the fruit contributes to health with its hydrating, cleansing, astringent, fibre rich, amino acid rich properties...

You can calculate the time an average meal takes to digest & it will become apparent that by the time the next meal is introduced, the body never really received any digestive rest at all...This cycle can continue for an entire lifetime...

Not allowing the body digestive rest ever, sets up a domino effect within, slowly causing the body to accumulate acids & toxins with no means of eliminating them because the body must focus on the continual breakdown of complex foods (digestion)...

Most individuals do not understand the importance of skipping meals (intermittent fasting) for health & in fact, they’ve been programmed to fear skipping meals...

Most of humanities health issues have a lot to do with this very important aspect - as we are taught from birth by very ignorant people, to eat 3 meals a day of less than optimal foods for health such as animal products or meats...

One other very important aspect during a fast is rest...

You have to lay around if you want the body to successfully heal...

If you engage in any energy draining tasks, the body uses this energy (it would have otherwise used on healing) , for muscle movement, etc...

Now if your juice fasting, this is another story & movement of some sort is a must...on a juice fast, energy is generally through the roof, which is why I love juice fasting when a digestive rest is needed during everyday - busy life...

During a water fast, rest is imperative...

Happy healing everyone, I am so very happy to announce that today is my 7th day of my water fast... it’s complete!!

I feel good, my detox symptoms were very little... last night I had some old pains in my left leg resurface, that I used to experience from childhood into my mid 30s...

I was certain I had healed this issue since adopting a healthy diet almost 5 years ago because the pain had stopped resurfacing, but apparently my body hadn’t finished - this is deep, old pain, this is good, generally an old pain or issue will resurface during detoxification, as the body works on healing it...

I am looking forward to fresh fruits & fresh juices soon to break this fast & for many months to come!

Here’s a photo of my orange haul for the coming week!! 🍊

#Mariah 🍉 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self....1F8FBD84-3471-4C33-8277-51487EBA77B0.jpeg


Congratulations on your 7 day water fast , you must feel rejuvenated and spring ready, Indeed it is an amazing feat as one learns mostly to master the mind food connection, as here can be.a battle of will, as for myself in mid February I completed a 3 day dry fast and just recently at beginning of March did my 7 day half dry half water fast for a spring inner body clean.
Warm wishes for a good spring summer month to come.

Thank You Kindly