
An exception - if I may :)

People I love and have lost have not told me that they dreamt about death. They mostly had the same dreams young people have

Of course, I would love it if your theory is correct, as, at 76yo, I still have dreams about me being in school (failing my exams)...if I am being prepared to be young again, all I can say then is...dream on, who cares if I fail?!

I love it :)

All theories are good 😊 I’m clearly shooting from the hip!

Or maybe dreams speak to us in metaphors & your school dreams are a manifestation of something else going on more current you are dealing with. Could all be completely random, but that would seem highly inefficient for such an important biological & psychological function

I'm only enjoying discussing it, I have no fixed beliefs. Now, if someone were to tell me, 'stop drinking coffee', there I do have fixed beliefs