I agree - whoever is not lucid dreaming...learn the techniques and try, it really is amazing. Of course it drives me bananas, as I find it extremely puzzling how I can interact with people, some of them characters from my book, and they react to what I say with surprise and a couple of times, even with an enormous sudden joy. How can I surprise them if I am creating them? You will not believe how weird and wonderful it is until you experience it yourself.
Even being aware that you are dreaming, it is impossible to think of them as not being 'real'. What if we are able to contact people we have known from previous lives, because we are not in control to the same degree and our souls are able to influence us, but the people are camouflaged to look like contemporary people/acquaintances?
The other possibility is, because we only make use of a tiny percent of our brain, during sleep info from the parts we do not use is able to 'leak' through?
So many wonderful possibilities and I think each person will accept/believe or evolve theories, according to their own personality or needs.
Many possibilities exist for sure. I think it’s the brain analyzing & understanding itself in a non linear or logical way. I have always thought the dreams are simulations for things we may have to deal with in real life theory was pretty likely. I love my dreams
An exception - if I may :)
People I love and have lost have not told me that they dreamt about death. They mostly had the same dreams young people have
Of course, I would love it if your theory is correct, as, at 76yo, I still have dreams about me being in school (failing my exams)...if I am being prepared to be young again, all I can say then is...dream on, who cares if I fail?!
I love it :)
All theories are good 😊 I’m clearly shooting from the hip!
Or maybe dreams speak to us in metaphors & your school dreams are a manifestation of something else going on more current you are dealing with. Could all be completely random, but that would seem highly inefficient for such an important biological & psychological function
I'm only enjoying discussing it, I have no fixed beliefs. Now, if someone were to tell me, 'stop drinking coffee', there I do have fixed beliefs