Need a haircut? Try a hatchet... Seriously.

in #fashion8 years ago (edited)

People are getting their hair cut by a barber wielding a hatchet in the city of Novosibirsk in southern Russia... by choice. 

I can't make this stuff up. 

According to this video recently put together by the New York Post, getting your hair cut via a hatchet is all the rage right now.

Especially if you want that "choppy" look. 

Daniil Istomin has been giving his clients quite an experience for some time now. He uses a hatchet to cut hair instead of scissors. He claims it is actually easier to use and more effective than scissors. 

Uh huh... sure it is Daniil.

Watching this video it looks incredibly dangerous to me, but check it out for yourselves:

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:58.11%"><iframe src="

style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" width="620" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

In the above video, a woman can be seen resting her head on a "chopping block" while the barber stretches out her hair and takes a mighty wack with a hatchet. Luckily for his clients, he appears to be very accurate. 

With each wack, he takes a few more inches off. The woman stays remarkably calm during the ordeal. 

Just be careful not to move or sneeze!

He is even shown doing some shaping of hair styles with the blade of the hatchet later in the video. Much in the same way most barbers would use clippers. I have to admit, that was pretty impressive to me. He must have to keep the blade extremely sharp.

Let's just hope this isn't the early makings of a Sweeney Todd incident... 

Wonder what kind of styles he can do?

I would imagine the kinds of hair styles he can do would be pretty limited. 

For example, I can't imagine many short male haircuts can be performed with this kind of a tool. I also can't imagine a woman's "bob" style haircut being much of an option here. Although, he did demonstrate a unique ability to shape hair styles there at the end, so who knows.  

I guess using scissors and clippers are so last year!

Would you be brave enough to get your hair cut with a hatchet?

Let me know in the comments section below.

Live well my friends!

Sources (including the video):

Follow me: @jrcornel


Omy no thanks I will stick with hairdressers using scissors lol

Haha my thoughts as well!

Must be mad lol

Giving a new meaning to the term "hatchet job".

Haha, I just want that "chopped up look"... "make it choppy!" :)

I would need a few beers first. Then a few more afterwards.

Haha so would I...

New York Post? Really?

Are they running out of good content now that people are starting to be aware of fake news? :P

My girlfriends mom owns a salon! I wonder if she will hire someone to cut clients hair like this! I bet people would pay a premium for this experience!

Haha yes they would. They would also come from miles around just to see what it is was all about. Just make sure she has some top notch insurance to cover any accidents! :)

Insurance agents would have a field day with this! Talking about some high premiums

Yep, I wonder if that "hacking part" where he takes that hatchet way over his head was just for the video?! I can't believe that is real...

I have to believe it was embellished some! The small nicks are one thing, but he is chopping it like someone chops firewood

Yep... if someone were to get in the way they would lose a body part...

Wow. I am... for once... pretty much at a loss for words. In spite of the explanation, the only word that comes to mind is... "WHY??"

Haha exactly my thoughts... just because you can, doesn't mean you should :D

If he can make a living at that we are doing something wrong.

Haha I wonder what his client book looks like... it can't be more than just a coupe people I would think?!

It has to be a prank?

I think it's real... It certainly is more of a novelty but I guess he really does this.

Lol, if he really does that, and it is not performance art, he must have one heck of a network of friends.

Yep, I wonder if that part where he takes the hatchet way up over his head and slams it down was just for the video?! I can't imagine he does that very every client... too dangerous...

I hope he is insured,....

But that has to be a good gig, could you imagine?

why?? although I am pretty sure I saw one with a small sword/katana

Yep, I read about that too... But yes, great question, why?!

That's suicidal

It very well could be! Well murder would be more accurate :)

Wow! Fearfully!

Not for me that is for sure!

Ouch, nuts. I was flouncing with every chop!!

Yea and it sounded loud too... That would be scary.

This video is going viral, must be. The other day this one was on the Dutch television :)

Oh nice! I think it is just now making it's way over to the US. :)

Ha! Even in my dreams, I would not allow that. Lol!
I thinks he is just trying to be unique. Sometimes, people like doing things differently from the traditional way it's been done. I enjoy trying out new ways of doing things too. Nice post @jrcornel.

Yep I agree. Thank you! :)

No thanks! The haircut looks like asking, "Who wants to pass out?" :) @jrcornel

Haha either that or, "who wants to die?!"

I would never use this dresser, no matter how good he is!!

I do not blame you! I wouldn't either. :)

Great ! I enjoyed your post and some funny comments. Thank you @jrcornel !