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RE: Fashion and Fascism

in #fascism8 years ago

I find that it helps me develop empathy and patience with the herd followers when I remind myself of a couple of the reasons people do this.

First- It's in our DNA. We have literally been breed to want to fit into the tribe. In our hunter-gatherer days, you don't want to be an outcast - the one dude without a piece of wood stuck in his lip or your tribe's tattoos. Being an outcast meant you were more likely to starve or be eaten. Triablism was a survival tool and identifying people in your tribe (or your enemies) was useful. I imagine this is where "fashion" actually started.

Then you have this evolutionary tendency reinforced in our modern society through factory farmed kids. The tribalism that is fostered in public schools is nauseating. "Clicks" and trends determine your popularity, sexual appeal, and overall social success. It is a training camp for herd mentality. Fit in at all costs.

As someone who has always resisted authority in my life and wanted to stand out as an individual when it came to fashion, I had a damned hard time in school. (as I'm sure many here did). I got along with almost everyone, which meant I was never really close with anyone. I was the loner/floater. Hang out with the band geeks for a few weeks, then the skater-stoners, then the business club, but never a part of any one tribe.

I'm not saying we should accept or excuse the behaviour, only that keeping this in mind can go a long way to developing patience and empathy for those people for whom we are attempting to help think independantly and rationally.

And yes, you are 100% right. Shutting off the damned T.V. is a major step in the right direction.

Good post Larken! Thanks for all your work- it's appriciated my many.