The bright orange color of pumpkins indicates that they are rich in beta carotene, a very important antioxidant. Beta carotene is one of the carotenoids of plants that are converted to vitamin A in the body. During the transformation into vitamin A, beta-carotene fulfills several important functions in general health.
The most recent studies indicate that a diet rich in foods containing beta-carotene can help reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer and can protect against heart disease. Beta-carotene also prevents other diseases and some degenerative aspects of aging.
The pumpkin is a very tender vegetable. The seeds do not germinate in the cold soil and the seedlings are affected by frost. Pumpkins should be planted when there is no risk of frost and when the soil has warmed.
The weeds that grow around the pumpkins can be controlled with shallow tillage or with a hoe. Pumpkins should be watered if there is a long-term drought at the beginning of summer. Pumpkins tolerate hot and dry short periods very well.Insecticides can kill the bees needed to pollinate pumpkins and zucchini.
The insecticides should be used only in the afternoon when the flowers are already closed and the bees no longer visit them. Since new flowers are opened every day and because bees stand only inside open flowers, these pollinating insects are generally not affected by potentially deadly sprays.
If the plants are healthy, harvest at the end of September or the first of October, before the strong frosts arrive. If the plants die prematurely due to diseases or for other reasons, reap the fruits and keep them in a warm and dry place until Halloween.
When you have to move the pumpkins from one place to another, avoid cutting and hitting them. The fruits that have not matured well, those that have been damaged and those that have been exposed to strong frosts do not last
Remove the pumpkins from the plants very carefully using a pruning shear or a sharp knife and leave 3 to 4 inches of stem. If you tear the pumpkins out of the plants, you will most likely break the stems of the pumpkins. Normally, stemless pumpkins are not kept in good condition.
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