Wheat is a cereal grain that has been harvested according to scholars from 10000 years ago, belongs to the family of gramineas, is cultivated throughout the world, the colonizers brought it to new lands (America), to be harvested successfully and from there it spread, being the most consumed cerial in America and the world.
The name wheat comes from the Latin word triticum which means, broken, crushed or threshed, this is to separate the wheat grain from the shell, it is said that the largest wheat crop is in China, followed by the United States and Canada, It is the most harvested plant in the world, and industrialization is one of the largest and richest in the world.
Its beginnings, the seed was discovered in ancient Egypt, and began to be cultivated in the valley of the Nile, extending later to the culture, Jewish, Greece, Rome, Persian, Babylonia, in Israel the wheat is very consumed, there are festivals which the Jews prepare with the wheat, the well-known and famous unleavened bread, traditional dish in its celebrations called Easter remembering the most amazing liberation of all times, the departure of the people of Israel from the slavery of Egypt, with powerful hand and arm extended YAHWEH ELOHIM uses his servant Moshe to fulfill his purpose of freeing his people and taking them to the promised land called canaan nowadays called israel, from there the wheat spreads throughout the globe, being the last to cultivate them. American continent, but with great success.
There are two kinds of wheat grains, durum wheat, which are grown much north of Italy, this kind of wheat is where the semolina is made, the semolina which is finer than the semolina, and the elaboration of pasta dry, and the soft wheat, which comes from there the famous wheat flour, which is used for the preparation of breads of all kinds, and the manufacture of cakes and all kinds of delicacies, this plant should be grown in very cool climates from 10 ° to 25 °, and on land very fertile for its development and rapid growth.
Among the most produced cereals in the world, such as oats, rice, corn, soybeans, number one, style the boy of eight when he says: This is the number one program of the CHAMO CHAMO, interpered by the supercomediante Chespirito ......
Wheat is the number one most consumed of all these cereals, providing vitamins B and E, and never missing in the family dish.
The harvest of the wheat is said to reach maturity when its usual color begins to have changes of green for particular yellow, and then an automotive machine driven by a single person must be used, the harvest of this plant should be in summer when its sowing is in spring or winter, so as to have a faster growth and a good harvest for the industries of this famous plant called wheat.
It is the most consumed cereal in the world and its production grows every day more and more, its sales are unlimited since it is the most sold product and more profits in the wheat industries, which then leave for supermarkets, bakeries, patisseries, luncherias, cafe, cinemas, etc, and then for our table, generates a greater source of employment since its production is not exhausted thanks to our great GOD and its mercy, we continue consuming this delicious product especially in our breakfasts with these tasty pancakes with honey or butter. SHALOOM.