FARMS: Sugarcane

in #farms7 years ago

Sugarcane is a very popular plant, since this product is consumed by the whole world, which is called AZUCAR, the scientific name of this plant is known as: Saccharum offiicinarum, saccharum comes from the Greek Sakcharon who wants say sugar, this plant is cultivated throughout the globe, since sugar is a very commercialized product and very consumed, this plant known as cane, is part of the family of Poaceas, so we are going to know a little more about his story.



The story of this plant as popular as the Magallanes, this is a venezuela baseball team that is very popular for its biggest fanaticada in the country, the sugarcane its origins come from Nueva guinea, it is said that from there the first crops of this, for many strange plant since its form is a woody stem, spongy and sweet tissue, its height can reach two meters, and its leaves are long and hairless, the stem is where the sugar is extracted.
From New Guinea it extended towards Borneo, Sumatra, India, China and Eastern regions in the year 4500 before CHRIST.

In the year 510 tells the story that the soldiers of King Dario Persian monarch, found this strange plant and when they tried it they said, (this plant gives honey without the intervention of bees), dario the monarch is the same one who speaks the bible in the Daniel's book, which was his friend. It is said that the first time the juice is extracted from this plant and form sugar, it was in India, the Arab countries invaded it taking with it this plant, which later passed to European dominion, in the year of 1493 cristobal colon brought from this plant to the Americas for its reproduction, which was unsuccessful at that time, since today the nations with the most sugar production are: El Salvador, Argentina, Brazil, Guate mala, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Peru, Bolivia, Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela.



Sugarcane cultivation can be in temperate zones, but its highest productivity is in trapical climates, it takes many hot days, its temperature is 32 ° to 38 °, its time of growth and harvest is stipulated from 9 to 24 months, the planting of this plant is the most expensive process, usually reaching a height of 2 to 8 meters, its cultivation is mostly done at the end of summer and its development or growth takes place during the winter, the cane can be harvested and can grow in several types of soil such as sandy, clayey soil, acidic or alkaline soils, its ripening is 3 months when the stem is dry, accelerating and accumulating the storage of sugar, this plant is often sprayed with insecticides and fungicides, and at the end of this cultivation process the harvester cuts each stem in rolls, being the smallest of 30cm.



This very rich and juicy plant is the source of many industries, multi-million dollar companies generating sources of work around the world, being a very important product and a lot of output for the family's consumption, it can generate many products such as the papelon, the panela, the mercocha, the soft drink of cane or better known as cane sugar cane, so it is said, and it is very consumed in Venezuela and the specialty that is in all parts of the world, the sugar called black sugar, brown sugar , and white and refined sugar, is also known as the nevazucar, which is used for the preparation of cakes and pastry products, one of the very popular bakers in Venezuela called Yoel reinales says that without the sugar and the navazucar I can not work anymore which is the most important ingredient in the elaboration of these products or delicacies.




Sugarcane plays a major role in the lives of people worldwide. Thank you for the education