Tomato farming benefits (Nigeria and beyond)

in #farms6 years ago

You may imagine that only the northern parts of Nigeria grows tomatoes, yet I can reveal to you that anyone, in anyplace can grow tomato gave you are very much educated, all around arranged and have Where Can I Grow Tomatoes in Nigeria?

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You can grow your tomatoes anyplace in Nigeria, if you have a decent and solid soil and water offices. In spite of the fact that in Nigeria, there are states which are notable for growing tomatoes. They are;

Bauchi State
Taraba State
Gombe State
Kano State
Zamfara State
Jigawa State
Sokoto State
Katsina State
Kaduna State

As should be obvious, every one of these states are in the northern piece of Nigeria. Be that as it may, don't have a hesitant personality on setting up your tomato farming business, similar to I prior said anybody, from anyplace in Nigeria can grow tomatoes, if you have a decent and sound soil and water offices


Just like couple of organic products which are easy to plant; planting tomatoes or Setting up a tomatoes farm in Nigeria and growing them is very basic as putting a seed in the ground and concealing it with sands. I will walk you through the way toward planting your own particular tomatoes.

1. Locate an ideal site for your tomato farming

The initial step you have to take is for you to locate an ideal site for your tomatoes farm. Pick a site that isn't too a long way from the market. And furthermore, there ought to be a simple transportation get to accessible, in other to have a simple method for transporting your tomatoes when the time comes; in the wake of harvesting.

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2. Pick a healthy land/soil for your tomato farming

It is vital to deliberately pick or select a decent soil for planting your tomatoes in light of the fact that a decent and solid soil will decide the sort of tomatoes that will be delivered and the general profitability of your tomato business.
The dirt could be an all around oversaw sandy loam and overwhelming mud topsoils free of hardpan yet realize that the best tomatoes are acquired from profound, very much depleted soil. Remember that the dirt ought to be rich in natural issue and it ought to be supplied with plant supplements, with a pH estimation of 6 to 7.
In setting up your land; the dirt ought to be very much arranged, free and in great tilth. The dirt ought to be cleared of all weeds and may be furrowed (assuming substantial) for around 1-3 times to make it light weights. Regardless where you have an acidic soil; you can lessen or level it by applying lime in a suitable quality.

3. Pick the correct tomato types

another great method for getting the best from your tomatoes farming is to plant the correct tomato assortments. The diverse assortments of tomatoes grown on the planet by and large are;

Beefsteak tomatoes

Cherry tomatoes

Plum tomatoes

Grapes Tomatoes

Campari tomatoes

Tom berries Tomatoes

Oxheart tomatoes

Pear tomatoes

Cutting or Globe tomatoes

4. Plant Your Tomato

The most ideal approach to plant your tomato is by first planting it in the nursery, at that point later transplanting to the field. Make beyond any doubt you set up the nursery bed for a time of around 5 weeks.
This is finished by covering them with a polyethylene sheet to anticipate weed growth, parasite, nematodes, nuisances, and microscopic organisms. You ought to consider applying natural excrement and compost before planting. Realize that your seedbed ought to be 55-65cm wide, 5-6cm long and 20-25cm high.

On How to Plant Your Yomatoes;

Planting your tomatoes should be possible around March/April amid the start of drizzling season. Plant by setting the tomatoes seeds on the dirt and cover with a quarter inch layer of soil and press it with your hand or handle (you may cover it with dry grasses in the event that you need. This is to anticipate loss of dampness).
In the wake of planting, you will see them growing in the following 5-7 days (you would then be able to expel the dry grasses to take into consideration appropriate growth) at that point enable it to grow for around one month or 5 weeks before transplanting to the field.

(Note; Your Tomato Nursery should be possible on a little farm or on your garden; on the off chance that you have one. Simply ensure that the dirt is solid and tended to.)

5. Transplant Your Tomatoes (moving your tomato plant to the plant)

After one month or five weeks of planting your tomato in the nursery then you would now be able to unreservedly plant them in the field. Tomatoes are extremely delicate and delicate, it is best transplanted that day you removed it from the nursery to maintain a strategic distance from lack of hydration and weariness.
You ought to do the transplanting with hand to forestall harms (don't utilize any machines for this). On the off chance that your farm is vast, at that point you ought to think about utilizing more works to help you in this.

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On How to Transplant Your Tomatoes;

You should Open the dirt of where you need to transplant with a piece of little wood, embed the seedling into the gap and cover it with free soil. The dirt where you expect to transplant your plant ought to be soggy.

(Note; after transplant, the seedbeds ought to be flooded frequently subsequent to sowing and until the point that the seedlings achieve a tallness of 5 to 7 cm. Don't simply abandon it like that, or there will be consequences, it will kick the bucket.)

6. Inundate Your Tomato Farm

if you need to outdo your harvest; at that point guarantee you supply your plant with enough water. Amid the dry season (these are the basic circumstances), between the long stretch of October and February, ensure you always supply your water with enough water; like in each 3-7 day's interim (contingent upon the kind of soil). Realize that you shouldn't put excessively water on it to keep them from splitting.

7. Weed and Fertilize Your Tomato Farm

After one to two months of transplanting your tomatoes from the nursery, you ought to consider weeding your tomato farm. You ought to be watchful as you weed to avoid harms on your tomato edit.

You can likewise utilize Chemical weed control, by applying enrolled chemicals. On the off chance that you expect to utilize Mechanical strategies to weed, it ought to be shallow and not very near the plant; to avert harms to the plants.

Compost ought to be connected after the main weeding. This is to help restock the dirt supplements taken or influenced by the weeds. The compost ought to have substance like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, potash, molybdenum, calcium, and magnesium, alongside other follow minerals, all in satisfactory amount. Tomato requires these minerals to grow and prosper.

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8. Control Pests and Diseases in Your Tomato Farm

Apart from weed control, you ought to likewise control your tomato plant from bugs. Case of a few tomatoes nuisances and maladies are;

Plusia looper


Rust bug

Red insect parasite



Leaf digger/potato tuber moth\Bacterial shrink

Fusarium shrivel

Late scourge

Erinose bug

Bacterial blister


These vermin and sicknesses can be controlled by;

°Practicing crop turn.

°Always wreck tainted plants and discard them from the field.

°Using enlisted chemicals.

°Practicing of appropriate sanitation.

°And controlling seepage.

9. Harvest You Tomatoes

Your tomatoes will develop following 3 month that is around 8-12 weeks. By at that point, you should begin picking them. The shading likewise ought to likewise reveal to you that it is ready. You should pick your ready tomatoes as indicated by size, shading, and quality

10. Store Your Tomatoes

If you're not taking your tomatoes to the market instantly, you may store your tomatoes. Pack your tomatoes in wooden boxes, bushel or containers. Store them in a room which temperature is around 12°C and 86% to 90% relative moistness.

11. Market Your Tomatooes


After harvesting and putting away, at that point it's an ideal opportunity to advertise your tomatoes.
It's imperative you've recognized the best market/merchants to offer your tomatoes for on the grounds that tomatoes are extremely delicate and perishable.
Not at all like rice, Cocoa, and so forth, you can't store tomatoes for a drawn out stretch of time, so the market must be prepared, even before you harvest your tomatoes.

Tomato farming in Nigeria is a decent business that has a promising benefit if it's been practiced properly.


I am sure we have learn from this publication, we done and thanks for sharing your agricultural knowledge with us.


(to be a part of this community; ensure to always use #farms and #steemchurch for agricultural related post)

SteemChurch Farm ( @FARMS)


This is a decent bit of article on tomatoes. I unequivocally think tomatoing cultivating ought to be more typical among ourselves than crypto mining. It is exceptionally lucrative and gives the world sound nourishment decisions. Proceed with the great works,man.

This is brilliantly written, cognitive analysing, brilliantly researched and well rendered, this is an epitome of good posting, I love this really.
Tomatoes is really a source of iron and vitamins really and this is educative.

And if we observe closely we will knowvthst tomatoes has neen revently ecpensive ehich shows that it always have hood market value
Tomato farming in Nigeria is a decent business that has a promising benefit if it's been practiced properly.
Tomatoes is extraordinary compared to other plant nourishment use by each body. Its shading is excellent. A debt of gratitude is in order for teaxhing us the means to do the activity of tomatoes.

Stunning, what an astonishing post. Truly without a doubt you are correct. Tomatoes is a standout amongst other plant sustenance use by each body. Its shading is excellent. A debt of gratitude is in order for teaxhing us the means to do the activity of tomatoes. Indeed, even a portion of the sorts of tomatoes recorded was instructive

The first step to starting a tomato farm is to to locate an ideal site for your tomatoes farm. Pick a site that isn't too a long way from the market. And furthermore, there ought to be a simple transportation get to accessible, in other to have a simple method for transporting your tomatoes when the time comes; in the wake of harvesting.
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Planting your tomatoes should be possible around March/April amid the start of drizzling season. Plant by setting the tomatoes seeds on the dirt and cover with a quarter inch layer of soil and press it with your hand or handle (you may cover it with dry grasses in the event that you need. This is to anticipate loss of dampness).
In the wake of planting, you will see them growing in the following 5-7 days (you would then be able to expel the dry grasses to take into consideration appropriate growth) at that point enable it to grow for around one month or 5 weeks before transplanting to the field. Thanks for this post

Goodness, what a stunning post. Truly without a doubt you are correct. Tomatoes is extraordinary compared to other plant sustenance use by each body. Its shading is wonderful. Much obliged for teaxhing us the means to complete the task of tomatoes. Indeed, even a portion of the kinds of tomatoes recorded was instructive. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.

This is a good piece of article on tomatoes. I strongly believe tomatoing farming should be more common amongst ourselves than crypto mining. It is very lucrative and provides the world with healthy food choices. Continue with the good works,man.

I'm glad people are now realizing that tomato farming is also very lucrative. Personally, I love to consume lots of tomatoes, and I even had a project on it a semester ago. The project is on my feed,feel free to go through. Good post.

Wow, what an amazing post. Yes indeed you are right. Tomatoes is one of the best plant food use by every body. Its colour is beautiful. Thanks for teaxhing us the steps to carry out the operation of tomatoes. Even some of the types of tomatoes listed was educational. Thanks for

Truly in reality you are correct. Tomatoes is extraordinary compared to other plant nourishment use by each body. Its shading is excellent. A debt of gratitude is in order for teaxhing us the means to do the activity of tomatoes. Indeed, even a portion of the kinds of tomatoes recorded was instructive. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing. thanks for sharing your agricultural knowledge with us.

Thanks for the insightful post, however, it is always a challenge storing tomatoes after harvesting due to their perishable nature. Otherwise it is a good income opportunity.

The initial step to beginning a tomato cultivate is to find a perfect site for your tomatoes cultivate. Pick a site that isn't excessively far from the market. What's more, besides, there should be a straightforward transportation get to open, in other to have a basic technique for transporting your tomatoes when the time comes; in the wake of harvesting.Planting your tomatoes ought to be conceivable around March/April in the midst of the beginning of showering season. Plant by setting the tomatoes seeds on the earth and cover with a quarter inch layer of soil and press it with your hand or handle (you may cover it with dry grasses if you require. This is to foresee loss of sogginess).

In the wake of planting, you will see them developing in the accompanying 5-7 days (you would then have the capacity to oust the dry grasses to think about suitable development) by then empower it to develop for around one month or 5 weeks before transplanting to the field. A debt of gratitude is in order for this postWow, what an astonishing post. Truly for sure you are correct. Tomatoes is extraordinary compared to other plant nourishment use by each body. Its shading is lovely. Much obliged for teaxhing us the means to complete the task of tomatoes. Indeed, even a portion of the kinds of tomatoes recorded was instructive. A debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.I am certain we have gain from this distribution, we done and much obliged for imparting your farming information to us.