Potato farming and its strategies

in #farms6 years ago

Presently, Nigeria is the eighth biggest maker of Irish potatoes in Africa. The yield every year is around 843,000 tons however the potato utilization in the nation is more than 1 million tons. This obviously demonstrates there's a shortage in potato creation.

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Strikingly, this shortfall might be lower than the insights in case we're to consider the measure of tubers that ruin amid capacity and transportation. Furthermore, more than 60 000 tons is sent out every year which additionally decreases the amount accessible to the Nigerian shoppers. It is very evident that the request is miles behind the supply when you consider the way that more than 500 000 family units in Nigeria eat potatoes.

°The Irish potato contains no fat, cholesterol or sodium. It likewise contains low calories which makes a sound nourishment. It is pressed with vitamin C, potassium, press, vitamin B6 and fiber. A portion of the medical advantages include:

°The strands found in potatoes may enable lower to blood cholesterol levels

°They are additionally a decent wellspring of potassium which has likewise been connected with bringing down pulse

°The vitamin B6 in potatoes is additionally valuable in keeping up mind and sensory system wellbeing

Additionally, half of the prescribed every day admission of vitamin C can be acquired when you devour a medium estimated potato. Vitamin C has been connected with the anticipation of normal frosty and scurvy

There are particular states in the nation where Irish potatoes flourish well. These incorporate Plateau, Kaduna, Kano and Katsina. The climatic condition in these spots is in charge of the ideal development of this nourishment trim.

Potato is the fourth most prominent nourishment edit on the planet and it has an assortment of employments. It can be utilized to make French fries which is a mainstream nibble. It can likewise be prepared, bubbled or eaten with stew or singed eggs. Be that as it may, the most ideal approach to get ready potatoes with a specific end goal to make the most of its nourishing advantages is by preparing.

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In view of the interest for potato in the nation, clearly potato cultivating is a lucrative business wander. This is the reason this article has been composed to control you during the time spent beginning a potato cultivate.

Site Selection

Potatoes ought to be developed in an open territory with satisfactory access to daylight. You can chop down trees on the site that may upset daylight presentation. Likewise, the dirt ought to be fruitful and very much depleted with a pH in the vicinity of 5.5 and 6.5. For the most part, potatoes can develop on an assortment of soil write anyway; you ought to dependably hope to enhance the fruitfulness of the dirt by including natural excrement.

The perfect land for potato cultivating ought to have been left unfarmed for no less than 2 years. This decreases the hazard or frequency of malady pervasion when you in the long run begin cultivating.

Land Preparation

Setting up the land for planting includes clearing the land and furrowing the dirt. Use of composts ought to likewise be done at this phase as expressed before. You ought to likewise set up the seed beds for planting the potato seeds.

Seed Selection

Once the land is prepared for planting, the subsequent stage is to plant. In any case, you have to choose the potato assortment that you'll be planting. There are distinctive composes to browse be that as it may, there are sure factors to consider. These incorporate the ailment protection of the assortment, the time taken to develop, the yield and also the general nature of the potato created. Your optimal assortment must have all or the vast majority of these highlights.


The planting period of potato is in March. The seeds are gotten by separating the potato in to parts and planting these pieces. Each piece ought to be planted in an opening in a dry soil with a temperature of around 70C. Before you plant, you ought to permit two or three days for the slice piece to shape a defensive layer around itself. This is critical in light of the fact that this layer takes into consideration dampness maintenance and serves to counteracts decay.

The seeds are typically planted on edges at around 15 cm from the surface of the best soil. Be that as it may, this planting profundity is subject to the assortment you are utilizing.

A water system framework ought to likewise be introduced. Dribble water system is the perfect water system strategy to be utilized while developing potatoes. It gives satisfactory dampness to the dirt and the yield. It is likewise valuable while applying supplements in the right amounts.

In the wake of planting, there are some critical post planting exercises you have to complete. For example, watering is done in any event once per week. After around 20 days, you'll watch that the growing seedling has started to develop clears out.

Likewise, you can apply inorganic manures, for example, NPK to enhance the nature of the dirt supplements and to improve the development of your yields. Moreover, you'd have to weed at interims to guarantee the plants are getting the fitting measure of supplements and dampness.

There are ailments that influence potatoes. These incorporate dark leg, bacterial delicate decay, dark scurf, potato curse and rhizoctonia. The assortment of potato seeds planted is the thing that decides sickness protection of your potato trim. You can likewise apply the fitting treatment once you detect the indications of the illness.

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Collecting your potatoes depends in the climate conditions however their development period is generally 2 to 3 months subsequent to planting. Once the foliage turns dark colored, you should begin getting ready for collect.

Normally, the collect is done on a radiant day when the dirt is dry. You ought to delicately uncover the potatoes from the dirt so you don't wound or harm the tubers. Additionally, you ought to guarantee you forget about the soil from the potatoes preceding capacity.

At long last, your reap of potatoes ought to be prepared to leave the homestead for the business sectors and other dissemination channels as quickly as time permits. This will decrease any type of misfortune that might be related with waste because of delayed stockpiling.


Your publication has been found educative and informative... thanks for sharing this beautiful post


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SteemChurch Farm ( @FARMS)

Potatoes are edible tubers, available worldwide and all year long. They are relatively cheap to grow, rich in nutrients, and they can make a delicious treat.
The humble potato has fallen in popularity in recent years, due to the interest in low-carb foods.

To be sure you have clarified in nitty gritty the way toward developing potato. Potatoes cultivating are for sure one of the quickly developing cultivating Potatoes is sweet that is the reason it is called sweet potatoes.

Wow great posr thanks for sharing with us all

This is an informative message. The Irish potato contains no fat, cholesterol or sodium. It likewise contains low calories which makes a sound nourishment. It is pressed with vitamin C, potassium, press, vitamin B6 and fiber. A portion of the medical advantages. The strands found in potatoes may enable lower to blood cholesterol levels. There are ailments that influence potatoes. These incorporate dark leg, bacterial delicate decay, dark scurf, potato curse and rhizoctonia. The assortment of potato seeds planted is the thing that decides sickness protection of your potato trim. You can likewise apply the fitting treatment once you detect the indications of the illness. The planting period of potato is in March. The seeds are gotten by separating the potato in to parts and planting these pieces. Each piece ought to be planted in an opening in a dry soil with a temperature of around 70C. Before you plant, you ought to permit two or three days for the slice piece to shape a defensive layer around itself. This is critical in light of the fact that this layer takes into consideration dampness maintenance and serves to counteracts decay. Thanks for sharing

Great post @attaboi. Indeed you have explained in detailed the process of cultivating potato. Potatoes farming are indeed one of the fast growing farming in nigeria. Potatoes is sweet that is why it is called sweet potatoes.
Thanks for sharing.

Very good explanation about the potatoes, they are also excellent for digestion and the best way to eat them is with the shell baked or grilled thanks for sharing