Introducing “Sacred Song Farms,” our aumazing brother and sistar Scott and Marge and their meat farm. Their name and logo extends with good intention, which is some of the motivation I want to share this story. So For all you vegans/vegetarians just hold on give it a chance, their is light at the end of the tunnel.
We have organically developed an incredible relationship with Scott and Marge meeting up at different parts of the country, beginning in 2015 at a transformational festival called “Arise“ in N. Colorado (highly recommended). And well the common ups and downs of life, landed these two in a valley that seemingly guided them here, they said they first felt it when they visited the land for the first time and had no idea why they felt the urge to cry after visiting the land as if they already missed it. Another other one was finding this land outside of the online market, which Cleary is rare these days, But they really felt at home after the fact when they discovered a similar age bracket in the area that are also making efforts to grow naturally from the earth.
It all seemed to weave together after a few nights spent around the night fire star gazing sharing with us some of the ancient history of their land and region, some of which we knew about the Anasazi, and particular canyon called Mesa Verde. This civilization’s remnants is still lurking in the rock paintings, and the texts point to an advanced civilization with complex irrigation systems and understanding of the tracking of the movement of Stars. Not only this but abundant lakes, rivers, clean water, incredible mule deer, very fertile lands, and hiking combined may have been what Scott & Marge felt from the beginning, and is what inspired the ‘Sacred’ aspect within their farm name they said.
While coming to visit them we were blessed with Marges connection in providing space for us to do a ‘Sound ceremony’ as well. Quality spent time with our dear brothers and sisters lead to several elevated conversations, they reminded me that not only is all life sacred but is the actual approach and concept they are applying to their meat business, which one could assume and have been told they are crazy and won’t make it. But with persistence they have successfully continued to draw only ‘good vibes only’ into their business. They both confirmed with us that the earth is alive and produces all of our resources food, everything that is necessary for life, and “all” we have to do is care take/ steward the land and the land will all-ways provide. But good look trying to pitch this idea to corporations right?
This is why we are excited to share this story of Scott & Marge and “Sacred Song Farms” because they have broken away from the conventional business model and are doing the extra work to provide high quality meat. Which for them means giving the animals a natural stress free environment, clean water and consistent land grazing patterns. Not only that they believe the relationship with their animals is very important which is why they sing, and treat them with compassion, enough to sage and bless the animals before the go into processing.
The ‘Song’ aspect of their farm comes from an intimate story of marges father gifting her a beautifully hand made flute that’s sits like a relic in a stand above their fire place. The flute signifies harmony and rhythm, the melodies; the constructs of a song, and that applying these natural concepts to the modern world is what a lot of people our age is doing; breaking boundaries both within business and community action because of the fact that they are practically, physically and conceptually developing this increased relationship with the land as you would a flute, they said they are constantly learning from what the earth wants as opposed to what “we” want, and sharing this knowledge with others, that it is possible to live happy AND in abundance, not trading one for the other.
Marge insightfully mentioned that living close to the cycles of the earth is living in harmony with the land, and that ‘original’ ways of agriculture she has learned from ancients cultures is the not so ‘secret’ to the quality taste of their meat and the reason many in the valley are seeking their meat. We all concluded that this concept could be applied to all living things. Even more I seen that Scott and Marge are displaying a premium example of unconventional creative business and staying balanced in the modern day life of technology as well as parenthood!
What an incredible feeling to find out that Scott organically was led to a Native American Navajo woman who has had and original blood line of sheep since the early days called “Navajo Churro Sheep,” he shared that their relationship grew into a grandmotherly gentleness, where he was eventually trusted and accepted to be a caretaker of these ‘sacred’ sheep. In that come about he really expressed true honor and respect in his words.
Their slogans is “Raise Regeneratively” as marge says by herding cattle once a day in fresh grass, “we are not only optimizing the nutritional benefits of their meat, but are also building soil heath and sequestering carbon.” None of their meat have artificial hormones, GMO, antibiotics. Marge said that they don’t have standard supplying methods either, that this whole concept of harmony also applys to meeting the customer with their needs whatever it may be, including this ‘foreign’ concept of trade. Scott perfectly said “bussiness naturally flows when you let the animals naturally flow with the land.” He continued with “harmony is an aspect of love, a rhythm that all of creations follows.”
So many intelligent conversations with Marge Scott lead to this idea of transforming bussiness strategy from a mind set of scarcity and fear and; the idea that “It takes money to make money” which is half the truth, because it is also true that we have to put in work on the land to earn abundance from the land. The conversion is the same, even more so in some respects.
Is it not silly to compete with each other in business development; the idea that that “idea”, is mine and only mine, only I will profit and no ones else. This is a consciousness of scarcity; the idea that there is not enough for everyone, has tremendous falsities to it and is the root of fear. Marge and Scott will confirm that the earth is super abundant in her nature; that we can all have equal shares and live abundantly outside of scarcity and fear.
We of course jumped on the conversation of “organic” and their experience of possibly going through the process of obtaining the label of “organic.” Marge grinningly said “the first thing they sent me was a list of ‘ok’ pesticides we could use,” And shook her head. She then geniously lightened up the room by saying:
“Our organic label is; come see what we are doing”
For me personally I grew up eating processed meat but never eating the fat because it simply didn’t taste good with the texture. But then remembering that my ancestors of this land, the natives have always held the fat of the animals as the most valuable, not only for its pure energy and body tissue but the brain development of children. So much so that ‘Runners’ from the South West tribes would go up to the Pacific Northwest to trade goods for salmon eggs. It then dawned on me while eating a juicy rib chop, that properly taken care of animals actually have great tasting fat. Marge thankfully dissolved some fear around the notion of the illness pigs have been accused of having for so long, but she said that issue had been maintained and taken care of for generations ago already.
I have also been practicing loose vegan and vegetarianism for the last few years, but since I have evolved into taking the opportunity to eat good local taken care of meat when available, as the case with our brother and sisters farm, which a good brother calls himself an “Opportunivore.” Lets just say I ate more meat than I have in years and thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s a different experience enjoying the fats off the meat and feel a surge of energy rather than slow and groggy as my experience with commercial meat.
Marge said it’s because the chemicals, hormones and genetic modifications don’t know what to do, so the body pushes them into the fat to be stored.
It is also valuably noted that some ancient cultures have a very long histories of eating meat with no traces of illness, some even with diets consisting mainly of meat or fish, the ‘China Study’ is a good testament to this. Further remembering shows that our relationship to the animals therefore the land, harvesting, cultivating and processing was so different to where the ancestors never experienced dis-ease in their diets because of the ‘harmony’ with the environment, the natural law of ebb n flow of giving and receiving. Also noted, that meat wasn’t an everyday luxury in those days for natives, it was earned and prioritized within elders and children first and then amongst the people. So it seemed to be a more honorable humble relationship with animals and meat.
As we know there is unnecessary tension within meat eaters and non-meat eater. It is not a matter of why it is more so how, and what is our quality of intention of taking. Even Scott mentioned that the land needs livestock to replenish the soils so that plants have a fertile land to grow on. Implying that there is a symbiotic relationship between plants and animals.
I correspond with all of these concepts from traveling; that if we just take the time to listen the earth; that it/she will use us like instruments in the achieving of all of our desires and purposes, and life goals, if we only ‘surrender’ to the natural harmony of life. This notion of listening and/or dialoging with an inner intelligence is the aspect relating to the lens of ‘Intuition’ or what the Ice Landers refer to as Innsaei. A type of enhanced vision and feeling that you already know what to do and how ahead of ‘time’ as the circumstances play out.
The idea of harmony is that ‘order’ is achieved through the harmonious relationships between notes, and pitches, in-order producing melodies and rhythms; that with focus and intent and the oscillating of those notes in certain patterns will creatively give birth to not just a song but the physical manifestation of anything into existence, such as Marge & Scott’s vision of non-conventional farming techniques, renewable energy, alternative and sustainable ideas
Speaking of, Scott’s and Marge’s ultimate vision on this land as stewards has incredible ‘ethical weight’. Which we also shared words around the concept of owning land as opposed to stewarding land; that living as a steward of the land may offer closer harmonious benefits of abundance within farming.
Marge shared her most current project with the land and the concept of marrying agriculture with art. Their event in August has evolved into an experience with stations of art and structures being displayed as a regular part of their farm tour, offering different kids activities and samples of their grass fed meat to ultimately give organic farms a little atmosphere, to offer a community vibe and connections, and to share all of their lush land, to bridge different ways of expressions. Which is the perfect example of breaking away from limiting conventional thinking, interacting, communicating, and ultimately a harmonious approach in business relations.
More of that vision extends into the already drawn out plan of orchards, medicinal herbs, and veg. But also the freedom to hold weddings, and even intentional gatherings and musical gatherings that would eventually be equipped with permanent canvas tents, tipis, fire pits/ structures to gather, even a pond to swim in, and well of course to feed the animals. But also even work shops and classes of their farming methods and techniques as well as their alternative approach to business.
That’s not all they eventually want to start donating clean meat to especially to reservations, charities and foundations that do not have access to quality meat.
Farm talk & farm life, I soon realize has its own lingo and culture within surrounding neighbors which when observed is a wonderful communal exchange of vibes, there is so much valuable information and learning to be absorbed allowing pure authentic engagement with such beautiful humans. We don’t really realize the luxury and freedom of exchanging resource for resource with you neighbor till you get there and realIze during a meal as Scott and Marge pointed out that everything on our plates were grown within this valley, and I remember thinking wow not many people are eating like this. After observing that relationship between neighbors and trade, provided in my opinion a more harmonious type of friendship or rather brother/sistership within each other.
Several times the conversation came up, not with just Marge & Scott but with people all over the world; who are already doing and continuing to pop up, these similar visions of providing space and opportunity to interact with each other in more communal aspects of living an co-creating together. It still may be a foreign concept to some, but as mentioned there are several communities expressing these original ways for years already. We all can read that ancient cultures always lived in communal settings, tribes, or nations and even had peace treaties, a justice system, a peace plan in relation to nature that governed these nations.
Just for a moment, imagine what relationships were and would be with out money; the idea that relationships would be developed off of each other’s relationship with the land, working together rather than competing together, no concept of money limiting the shared effort between people. This gives a whole different awareness of why we interact and celebrate with each other so compassionately.
In fact where do you think where the US Constitution was conceived from?
The idea now, is how do we bridge a modern perspective of implementing these olds ways? Well there ate organizations and people all over the world already serving as examples of this ‘Bridge Work,” so learning from them is the best way. This is precisely is why these blogs were inspired, and the work my brother are doing through “Ancestral Medicine Revival,” to identify and shine light on the organizations transforming into organisms. Marge even intelligently referred to the work my brother and I are doing as saying “you guys are like mycelium, communicating and connecting this new paradigm of living”🙏🏽
Right now we are still only infants in community relations and building, The same visions I have heard and seen all over the world are rising up, the available lands and funds are giving birth to opportunity of consistent participation within communities working to function under natural laws, the same ones the ancients speak of and lived by.
So big thanks to “Sacred Song Farms” Scott & Marge for being one of those way showers, working to not only provide healthy meat but eventually spaces and education of how to return to some of these original ways while still staying up with the technological advancements in bussiness, marketing, and politics.
-Ancestral Medicine Revival
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