Angry European farmers plan to hold mass protests in Amsterdam airport on 29 October

in #farmers5 years ago

Who remembers the daily comments, interviews and tweets from European parliament or US house of repr. members regarding what Hong Kong protesters were doing, incl occupying and endangering airport security?

Well, it appears that now angry farmers, who have been hit the hardest of any other EU industry by 1) the open border and free trade agreements between the EU and the rest of the world

and 2) the sanction war initiated by the EU against Russia, which is forcing the farmers to annually destroy tons of fruit, because there is no export market anymore, and the promised "compensation" from Brussels is far too low to help the farmers overcome the consequences of their policy.

But have no fear farmers, the EU and US will definitely support you and speak out any every possible occasion for your benefit....right?
(image from PressTv)