Picking Red Chillies

in #farm11 months ago

It's been a while, Hivers! There are lots of things happening in my simple life that require a lot of time just to make them happen. Well, its a busy life, you know, but to have a post here in Hive really delighted me, knowing that every post I made will presumably be forever and one day I can go back and read it with my soon-to-be grandchildren. 😉

This time I share our humble farm with red chili plants that we pick for cash, of course. Chili is considered a high-value crop here in our country. I remember there was a time when a kilo of chili was worth three times the daily minimum wage.

I did some blogging here before about my drying chili venture; I think it was last year, and that turned out to be a profitable one. I'm hoping I can do it again this year when chili prices drop.

Today we picked chili because they are already ripe and the price is still considerably high. When the price is too low, farmers just let the chili in the field because it will not be profitable to pick the chili. Simply not worth our time.

Together with my family members, we started early when the first glimpse of light from the sun showed up in the sky. We really don't want to stay for too long in the field because this is the time when the peak of the dry season is in the country.

Picking chili can be a tedious job because you pick it one at a time, and to pick just a kilo of it will take at least an hour. Well, I managed to pick up at least 5 kilos in 2 and a half hours.

Our target for this day is to pick up 20 kilos of this red chili on this really hot day. It was so hot in the field.

That's it for now. Also, I did some blogging here about my collections of coins and banknotes. I had some new purchases from this collection, and I would love to also share them here in Hive.

Next blog soon. :)