100% of all sci-fi's and fantasies u've ever seen or will see all exist already!

in #fantasy7 years ago (edited)

how fucking amasing is that!?

ive heard from many many timetravlers in earth's future scenes like we see from movies with flying cars. exist... i mean the technology already is posseded by earth humans....
just its been compartmenilised by design because we design it we design & re-design our reality every moment!

i mean there's already companies working on flying cars and coming out with them to the public...
the anti-gravity electromagnetic stuff i see mostly likely coming out later... as humanity becomes more positive & processes more of our lower vibrational things/fears our and lets go of them and accepts that all things exist etc stuff like that..
like wanting or thinking they have to play the victim perperator role why we are fucking literally as powerful as super heros if not moreso!

but u are genius and can literally just talk with wonderful star beings who will just tell you how to build such things! or i can tell u channel and speak with amasing and beautiful beings here and in my dream i love you my friends!

zeta relticians aka greys exist to ive met several in dreamspace... apparently ive already met every famous star system and collective to...
pleadians, avians oh wow ive met bi-pedial and quadrapiedial verisons of both already wow of all of im listing to,,,,
canrians, dragons, lizards, equines, unicorns, peagasus, faye ,fairies, bi-pedial winged humanoids, angels, demons, disincartned family, relatives who've passed from this plane of existence...
i literally talk with some using the photo of 2 in my houses dining room pretty handy honestly.... who knew pictures are portals to other dimensions.... sexy....



from a higher spective we literally are everything in the entire universe at the same time its really wild and amasing plugging back into this kinda stuff...
so you can download data from any being in the entire universe & even other universes and worlds/realms and do whatever you want pretty much with that... create for yourself whatever u can imagine ...
being more poisitive allows more access to higher frequency spectrums...



lol thanks checkout apextv if u wanna here from some time travlers this guy brad johnson channeled this guy once from like over 400 years in our future was really cool... codename randall i can channel him but alot of humans are still overly stuck in the 3d stuff kinda silly but eh fun regardless to me