Well now I'm a little bit scared. lol
We've gone from being kindred spirits to identical twins, separated at birth. Lol
The premise IS built on lucid dreaming... (and will be mentioned later) but... slightly different ;) you'll see as it progresses and twists further :)
I ALSO can have lucid dreams -but only for moments. As soon as I realize that I'm in a dream.. I only have about 10 seconds to control it before the conscious part of my mind fully "wakes" me up. When I try to control my flying, I actually fight against the descent as I'm waking up.... it's sooooo frustrating!
And I can never eat the feasts that I create fast enough before "blink"! I'm awake.
And 3. There is a boy. (There's always a boy.... right? LOLOL) But the boy is NOT the "he" mentioned in the last sentence of the chapter. :)
I guess it's not that crazy that we would have had similar experiences/dreams/writing. (And usernames! lol)
Reality shapes fiction, right? Hahahhaa I haven't met anyone who dreams as often or as deeply or as vividly as myself... (maybe until now? Hehe)
It's why I HAD to name myself something with "dreem" in it- because it's a huge part of who I am!
Often times, I will wake with entire songs written.... or portions of stories completely mapped out. I wake up- grab my computer and start typing furiously before it's gone! In my life, my dream world is just as valuable as my waking world.
Ok so don't tell me anymore about your story! Hahahhahaa I don't want anything you say to subconsciously mesh our ideas together as I write! Lol
When I finish with Talia.... I'll need to read your book :)
Have a wonderful day, my kindred twin!
Unfortunately that was the first book I ever wrote, and while the premise was great, the writing was...not something I would post on steemit lol. I keep thinking I might revise it. Also I will be posting a book, I wrote the intro for it, but unlike most everything else I've done here so far it isn't squeaky clean. Strong language warning, ha.
Make it a wonderful day love!
Hehehe understood! :)
And it shall be a great day!