Fate through the viewfinder - Arc 1 - CH 13 Serene Morning

in #fanfiction7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: The original VF story and Characters belong to Yamane Ayano Sensei.

WARNING: This is a fanfic for the boys love manga Finder no Hyouteki (Finder Series) which includes lemon and romance between men. So if its not your thing. Please don't read.

Main Pairing: Takaba Akihito & Asami Ryuuichi

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Thank You and Enjoy!

"Chief, I need your help."

"Looks like you've made your mind up Aki."

"I'm going to take Takayama down."

"How? His backer is too strong."

"No. He will be abandoned, and when he does, we need to be there. I'm going to throw him in prison for a very long time."

"Whats the plan?"

"I'm going to infiltrate his place and gather proof before their big trade tomorrow. I need you on standby."


"And chief, when you take him in, make me in charge of him. I want to personally give him his ticket to hell."

"I know."

Takaba got home half past ten in the morning, he entered the quiet house and found his way to his room.

"What happened here?"


He turned around to find Aozora peeking from the half closed door.

"Aozora...what is this?"

"Last night Takato-niisan and Kou-nii were playing a board game. When I woke up this morning... They were like this."

Aki was speechless. Lying on his bed were his two best friends past out half naked with marker marks all over them.

"Which game were they playing?"


"With two players?"

"They said they would make-up extra rules."

"Rules eh. More like punishments. Did you have breakfast yet Aozora?"

"No. Not yet."

"Then lets go. I'll make you omelettes."

"Omelettes!? Really! Can I help you?"

"Of course."

"Did you find the girl?"

"Yes Takayama-sama, the tracker was accurate. We watched the place all night, she is currently staying with two unknown young men."

"and the rat?"

"He wasn't there."

"So she got abandoned did she. Hahaha. And now she's surviving by selling her body. That slut."

"Its time to get her back, she needs to serve old men, not young ones. That's her only worth."

"Should we bring her in?"

"No. We wouldn't want to give her time to run away. Bring her tomorrow afternoon, just before the meeting. We will get rid of her right away. By tomorrow night, she will be on the ship towards Thailand. No one will be able to find her then. Tell the men to search for the rat. No need to keep watching her place if he's not there. Track her down tomorrow before grabbing her."



"Good Morning sleepy heads"

"Aki, what happened... My head is killing me."

"Kou, your memory is as bad as ever, we drank after our game last night... Hahahaha. Kou, what's up with your body and face, you have marker all over it."

"Takato...I don't want to hear that from you. Look in a mirror. I believe I won last night."

Takato got up and ran to the bathroom mirror.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! What happened, I'm all black! Wait! Why did you only draw food on me?"

"I was hungry... Which reminds me Aki, food?"

"Unbelievable. Breakfast is almost ready, go take a shower and be presentable. I'm embarrassed just looking at you two."

They all sat around the table, devouring the food in front of them as Akihito sipped some green tea.

"Takato, Kou, I will be on a job for the next two days, can I leave Aozora to you guys?"

"Of course, you can count on us."

"Aki-niisama, will you not be coming home tonight?"

"No I won't be able to. I need to meet up with my boss to go over some work. I will be pulling an all-nighter."

"Don't worry Aozora, me and Kou will keep you company. We can play games and go out into the city. Should we go shopping?"

"Takato-niisan, I want to visit the market."

"Sounds like a plan."

"But Akihito, why omelettes?"

"What do you mean Kou?"

"You only make omelettes when you're in a really good mood. What happened last night that you're making omelettes for breakfast. And...why are you only having tea?"

Everyone looked at Akihito, his cheeks slowly becoming crimson pink.

"N..nothing happened last night!"

"Aki-niisama? Are you sick? You're all red."

"Hahahaha, Aki, looks like something really did happen, why don't you elaborate."

"Shut it Takato! I made omelettes for Aozora. If you guys don't want it, then don't eat it! I already had breakfast while you guys were in bed together. I'm going to go take a shower."

"Hey! We were not in bed together!"

"Hey! We were not in bed together!"

Aki stood up and went to the bathroom without looking back. Leaving the chatter and laughter behind. He was sure his face was a much deeper red than before and a shower would relax him.

Damn Omelettes. Damn Asami. Get out of my head already!

"I'll get off here, thanks."

Akihito got off the taxi on a small side street a few minutes walk from Takayama's estate. Having learned that he spent most of his time here in the last few months, he could almost taste the scoop. Must be the criminal photographer in his blood. Tonight, he wore all black, black running shoes, tight black pants, a black hoodie, a black cap and a black mask in case of cameras. He had a small black camera bag hung across his back with his best camera inside, waiting to be taken out. He took every precaution he could think of, he turned off his phone and tucked it deep into his camera bag so it wouldn't attract unwanted attention. He crouched on the outer side of the estate, checking his surroundings. Using a small mirror, he looked on the other side of the wall. He saw one man guarding the main entrance and another playing with the guard dog. Luck was on his side. There was no moon tonight, only a windy night that would cover any noise he made.

He walked along the exterior wall till he reached the side of the estate. Checking his grip on the wall, he took a few steps back before he ran and jumped on the wall, holding his grip on the wall to sling him over. He crouched low in the bushes to make sure he didn't get caught. After a few minutes, he made his way over to the side window, looking inside to see two men talking at the other end of the room. He took a quick picture of the two men before heading to another window below a balcony. He climbed the side of the balcony and found an open window.

The room was dark, he couldn't risk opening the light so he moved slowly and silently on the perimeter of the room till he found the door. He listened through the door before opening it slightly and looking outside the door. The hallway was quiet and dark. Taking this chance, he slipped past the door into the corridor. As he walks, keeping in the dark, he takes note of the many rooms as he passes them to get to where he needed. He had acquired floor plans of the estate before coming, assuring he memorized the plan and layout perfectly.

Akihito turned left at the end of the corridor, entering a small room on the left that he knew led to the attic. People like Takayama never have a use for the attic, since they don't need the space in such an estate and they have no extra luggage that they need to store. So he knew it was the perfect place to keep low.

He set himself up next to the small attic window, his camera in position to take pictures of anyone entering the estate. A night before a large trade, many meetings takes place to assure it goes smoothly and there was no better place to have meetings then one own's estate far from public view. Akihito would be sure to capture each and every one of them.

Takato and Kou brought Aozora to the evening market.

"There's two markets!?"

"There are many markets Aozora."

Kou was walking with Aozora through the market hand in hand. Letting Takato carry all the shopping bags.

"This is the evening market, usually a good place to hang out or buy things on discount. There are also many shops open late. Tomorrow, we will take you to the morning market where you can get fresh ingredients at a good price."

"Then, then, is there an afternoon market?"

"There is! We can also go check it out after the morning one tomorrow. There are many cafes, restaurants, little interesting shops and game places."

"W...WOW! Markets sound amazing."

"Hahaha, they sure are, Takato, let's eat at the family restaurant up ahead, we should be heading back soon."

"G...goood...plan. So...Tired."

Kou and Aozora began to laugh at Takato's expressions as they lent him a hand. They ate their dinner at the family restaurant, enjoying the food and Aozora's expressions of awe as she ate. They ended the night at home with a Rapunzel movie for Aozora, hot chocolate, popcorn and a good old game of scrabble for the guys. As the movie ended, Aozora watched them finish up their game.

"Takato-niisan, Kou-nii, why did Aki-niisama take me in?"

They looked at her, she was curled up on the couch as she watched their game. They both stood up and took a seat adjacent to her.

"Aozora, do you like Akihito?"

"I do."

"Do you want to stay with him?"

"I do."

"Do you worry about him?"

"I do."

"Then. isn't that reason enough? Akihito also feels that way about you. He likes you, wants to stay with you and worries a lot about you. So he took you in so that you guys could live as a family."

"Aki lost his family a long time ago. So he was lonely. But now, he has you Aozora."

Her tears were overflowing. She wasn't sure if her being here, staying here was okay, she didn't know how long it would last. But Aki had created a place for her here. A home, a family. She wanted to stay by his side, and to hear that she could. She let go of her final restraints and made up her mind.

"I...I will stay. Even if one day I get pushed out. I will stay. Because...because...Aki-niisama is mine!"


"That's right Aozora, Akihito is yours, just like you are his.

"Asami-sama, the conference call has been connected, , Mr. Moriyama and Feilong are waiting."

"Good. Lets go."

Feilong:"Asami! Don't make us wait so long. You are two minutes late!."

Asami:"Let's start. Takayama's deal is going to take place tomorrow evening at 8pm. Our inside men have secured the location."

Feilong:"A...are you ignoring me!?"

Asami:"We will wait in ambush for the exchange to take place. When the exchange is completed and their guards are down, that is when we will strike. Me and will be in charge of making Takayama talk."


Kim: "Takayama believes I will be on the morning flight. For some unknown reason they don't want me here when the deal takes place. So I will be sure to find out what that reason is."

Feilong:"...As for the Wang group, I have my men at each of his locations, ready to strike at any moment. While the deal takes place in Japan, we will infiltrate and secure his positions. I did hear many unsettling rumors from my men on the inside. Rumors I hope are only rumors. We will find out tomorrow.

Moriyama:"Unfortunately, my own investigations have come up short. Other than the falsified reports... there is nothing else. Who ever is behind this. They know exactly what they are doing. I will leave it to you guys to get more information. I will keep digging, there has to be a crack somewhere.

Asami:"Sounds like a plan. Meeting adjourned."

"Do you think it will work out?"

"Are you a worry wart Mr. Kim?"

"I just have...a bad feeling."

"It does feel like something is missing. But we can at least get closer to the truth."Akihito woke up feeling sluggish, sleeping in the attic last night wasn't the most comfortable. He had managed to make himself a makeshift bed out of abandoned cloth laying around. He added garbage bags on top of the cloth to avoid sleeping directly on the smelly cloth. It took some time but he finally managed to fall asleep last night around 4am, when the estate was quiet and no other visitors came by. He was content with the pictures he took and the information he got from his stakeout.

A little longer. Just a little more.

It was now 7am, he needed to leave before everyone woke up. Even he wasn't sure if he could escape from them a second time. He gathered his things and headed down the attic. Crouching down as he peeked through the door leading to the corridor. Clear, he stayed close to the walls as he walked down the corridor back towards the terrace he entered from. As he passed the many rooms lining the walls, he noticed one that was slightly open. As he got closer, he could hear a voice talking. He approached the room, making sure to stay as quiet as possible.

"Hai, Wang-sama. Everything is in order. I've given my men directions for tonight's meeting, I have also spent all of last night meeting with our clients and backers here in Japan. Our time is now. After Mr. Kim leaves on the morning flight, Mr. X's plan will go in motion."

Wang.. Kim...sounds familiar. But who are they? Mr. Kim? and Mr.X? Are they English men?

"Yes, I understand. Asami won't find out. He has implicit trust in me now that I have entered his inner circle."

Asami! ... Implicit trust. Righhhhht. What a fool to think the overlord of Japan wouldn't know what a scum like you are doing behind his back. Ha!

"No... I didn't find him yet. But please assu-"

"Hai. I'm sorry. I have failed you. I will make sure Mr.X doesn't find out about this blunder."

"Yes, of course Wang-sama. The Thailand group will be escorting them on a ship tonight. I will await the shipment that you bring before having another meeting, as was discussed."

Them? So, there will be more than one child this time. those bastards!

"Will you be going to Europe to meet with Mr.X?"

Europe. So...they're not Englishmen. Good.

"Please rest assured. I will not let you down."

Takaba had heard enough, seeing as the conversation was nearing the end, he decided now was a good time to leave. He made his way to the terrace and climbed back down. Taking one last look around, he hid behind the bushes and made his way around the perimeter till he found a good spot to jump over the wall. He ran to the closest street and hailed a taxi.

"Please head to Yoyogi Park in Shibuya."

"Sora-chan~ wake up, its time for the morning market!"

"Hmm...mo...rning..mar. THE MORNING MARKET!" Aozora woke up bright and suddenly, shaking her hands around in excitement. She jumped out of bed and dashed for the bathroom to prepare for their outing.

"Takato!, Aozora! Were going to have breakfast out, so get ready now!"


"Got it."

They headed out the door.

Kou and Takato were astonished, never did they see a child so chirpy and excited when visiting the morning market. Everything, and I mean everything amazed her. The fresh fish being brought out, the smell, even the containers that held the food. She would run from one stall to the next asking the owners what they were selling, how they obtained it and if they enjoyed what they did. In a matter of minutes, they would get caught up in her pace and fall into a conversation with her, answering all her questions as if they were best friends. She fit right in.

"She is very...adaptable."

"Ya, have you ever seen a child, or anyone for that matter so...bright kou?"

"Somehow, she reminds me of Aki."

"I was thinking the same thing. If i didn't know any better, I would say there were a real daughter and father."

"I guess it was meant to be. Ah!"

"Aozora wait! You're going to far! Don't touch the octopus!" Takato ran up to Aozora, grabbing her hand.

"Takato wait. Hahaha, yup, trouble wise too, she is definitely like Aki."

They walked through the rest of the morning market hand in hand, buying a few ingredients for dinner before walking into a small restaurant advertising freshly caught ingredients for breakfast.

"I'm so full."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Unn, it was really good! there were so many veggies and they tasted so fresh, I think."

"Hahahaha, why would you even ask Kou, she ate it so excitedly, her eyes were huge with wonder at every bite. Ah. She resembles him in eating too."

"Hahaha, true that. Then let's head to the afternoon market, we can go to the arcade and walk around while digesting."



They took the long way to the afternoon market, passing by a park filled with cherry blossoms. Aozora stopped in her tracks as she stared up at them, mesmerized by their beauty. Kou and Takato watched her from behind, mesmerized by her.

"I swear, I love going places with her, she has an entirely different outlook on life that brightens it up for everyone around her."

"She is different. But Takato, I wonder what kind of life she lived. What kind of life hid all of life's beauty away from her."

"Ya. And where did Aki find her?"

"i guess its not important."

"no, no its not. what's important is that she is here now, with us. And we can show her all that beauty."

"It's never too late I guess."

"Aozora! do you know that these are called?"

"Cherry blossoms, sakuras! I saw them in anime and movies, Aki-niisama told me about them. But."


"But, seeing them in person...its different, its soooo beautiful. Its amazing Kou-nii, Takato-niisan!"

"Ya, it is. Let's have a picnic under the Sakuras with Aki next time, would you like that."

"Yes! very much! Hehe, I can't wait."

They passed by the sakura trees, Aozora looking back once more with a gentle smile that showed her happiness. She couldn't believe that it was possible. To be happy.

The arcade was fun to say the least. Aozora played a few things, but found that there were many she was too young for. That didn't stop her from being amazed by everything not from having fun. She really enjoyed watching Takato and Kou play against each other. So much that they would find her holding her stomach laughing many times, making them laugh in turn. The afternoon market was a collection of food stalls, restaurants, shops, arcades, cafes and other amenities in one location. They walked around the market, going into random shops and buying snacks form different food stalls that time flew by.

"Aozora, where should we go next?"

"Hmm... I heard people were saying something about a cafe. Whats a cafe."

"Ohh! Good Idea, a cafe is a place one can relax, drink something and rest in a comfortable setting."

"Tak, I like that Idea, I'm dead."

"Ya, me too, let's go then, Aozora hold my hand, we need to cross the street."

Aozora took his hand, looking up at Kou, knowing and happy she could trust these two men who were like family.

They waited for the signal to turn green and began to walk across the intersection. A screeching sound made Kou stop and look to the left, a car was speeding towards them, he pulled Aozora back. The car suddenly stopped right in front of them, he was about to get out of the way, thinking someone would sprint out at them when the door opened.

It happened so fast. two large men got out of the car, they walked up to them as if to pass them when they suddenly grabbed Aozora up, tearing Kou's hand from hers by force. Kou couldn't register what was happening, but when his hand got teared away, he reached out to grab Aozora, but they were already getting into the car. Takato lounged at them, trying to push them aside to reach her, one of the men pushed him back and he fell to the ground. They were simply overpowered.

In a matter of seconds, they captured Aozora and drove away, leaving both young men stunned in disbelief at what had just happened.

Kou regained himself first. He took out his phone and dialed Akihito's number.

-You have reached the inbox of Takato Akihito, please leave a message after the beep.-


-You have reached the inbox of Takato Akihito, please leave a message after the beep.-

"Again! Aki!"

-Aki! Where are you! Aozora just got kidnapped in the middle of the street! I-I-I don't know what happened but call us back fast, we need to get her back Ak- BEEB

"What. What do we do Takato?"

"I, I don't know. Aozora. We failed her."

"Are you ok, can you stand?"

"Ya, owww oww oww, maybe not."

"Let's get you checked out, Aki will know what to do."


"Shhh! Not so loud, are you trying to blow your cover."

"Hahaha, you never change."

"Right back at ya. So. What did you find out."

Akihito smirked, he knew what he found would blow his chief away.

"Oh, nothing much, just a few new clues and relations."

"Right, Aki smirking like that and telling me he didn't find much is one lie I won't buy."

"Hahaha Thats my chief."

"I got pictures of many different powerful figures and other unknown faces. they are either another backer or a potential client. I need you to find out everything you can about each of them. I'll leave it to you to decide which is which. I also overheard some important clues. Mr. Wang, Mr. Kim and a Mr. X. It looks like he was working with Mr. Wang and Mr. X was the boss. They seemed afraid or worried about this Mr. Kim, I believe they are European."

"This is good work Aki. Looks like you were made to be a cop after all."

"Ya. its not too bad. It also works well with being a criminal photographer."

"It also looks like there will be more than one child being exchanged at tonight's meeting. They will be shipped to Thailand later in the night. Can you secure all the ports, we can't let them escape."

"Consider it done, I will have my men on standby."

"When are you heading to the location?"

"Well its four now, so I should be heading there soon, my phone will be off, so I will count on you being in standby nearby, I will call you when the time comes. Oh."

"Got it... What's wrong."

"I forgot my phone is still closed, Aozora and them were supposed to head out today, I should give them a call before going there."

He dug deep into his bag and grabbed his phone, turning it on.

"So, how is the little girl?"

"She...is amazing. She loves learning new things, helping me cook and clean, she loves going out. Everything. and I mean everything amazes her, even the compilation of dust on a desk. And food, her expressions with food is unmatched."

"Hahaha, she sounds great, maybe a little like you."

"I would be happy if that was the case."


"Oh, Kou called and left a message."

-Aki! Where are you! Aozora just got kidnapped in the middle of the street! I-I-I don't know what happened but call us back fast, we need to get her back Ak- BEEB

Akihito froze, he couldn't move.

"Aki? what's wrong, did something happen?"



He breathed out, not having realized he had been holding in his breath.


"What, speak up!"



"What... What do I do, what should I do Chief. I, I let her go out, knowing it was dangerous, its my fault."

"Aki calm down. You can get her back."

"Get her back. Ya, she will definitely be at the meeting tonight, I just need to get her back...but how, I can't do it alone. There will be more men tonight, its not possible. Unless."

"Do you want us to infiltrate the place before the exchange, we can get the kids out."

"No, that won't work. But I have a plan. Chief, continue on with the plan we discussed, stay on standby, if i need you to come in, I'll call you."

"Alright, got it. I'll see you tonight then. Take care of yourself Aki."

"Ya. Thanks Chief.

Akihito called Kou and Takato to tell them not to worry, that he will get her back at any cost. Then he called the only one he knew who could help him save her.

Chapter List:
Arc 1: