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RE: California's New Law Governing "Transgender" Children In Foster Care

in #familyprotection6 years ago

This is obviously a very complicated and emotionally charged subject for many reasons. I think the text you quoted can be interpreted in a few ways, which is probably part of the problem here.

With regards the issue of why people might benefit from therapy regarding gender 'assignment' psychological issues - I presume that is due to them existing in a society that generally hasn't accepted that such things are valid or should be respected, thus people might experience psychological difficulty surrounding the subject. That said, I can totally imagine in some circumstances such things being twisted and involving psychological pressure such that people consider 'changing' gender when they would never have considered it otherwise.

I would be much more troubled by sex changes in general if it weren't that I know for sure I have lived past lives and also know that many others who have recalled some of their past lives also recall being different genders. In my case I only recall male lives so far though. The universe has a lot wider scope for possibilities than most are currently allowing to be real in themselves. I don't think it is right to promote such ideas to children in any way - the most that should be done is for cases where children are obviously seriously psychologically troubled and /or aware that they are 'in the wrong body' - they should at least be made aware that surgical options exist.. but probably only for over 18s - since it really isn't something to decide until a deeper sense of self awareness is fostered over many years.

I see the bulk of the issues here, as with so many other problems in society, stemming from the disconnection of the conscious self from the unconscious self - leading to confusion and lack of depth of personal understanding.