Chilling NCMEC Report Shows 88% of Missing Sex Trafficked Kids Come from US Foster Care

 America has a dark secret that no one wants to admit. Talk of this  secret will get you labelled as a conspiracy theorist, fake news, and  outlets who report on it will have their organic reach throttled by  social media and Google alike. 

Despite the overwhelming evidence to the  contrary, many in the mainstream media and the government refuse to see  this very real epidemic of child sex trafficking in the United States.  What’s more, according to the government’s own data, the vast majority  of a portion of these trafficked kids are coming from the country’s own  foster care system. Children are being needlessly ripped from homes at such an alarming  rate that hundreds of parents in one state have gone so far as to create  a counter-kidnapping organization to stop it. 

As TFTP reported  last week, a parent’s rights organization filed a letter in federal  court last Tuesday asking a federal judge strike down Minnesota’s  current child protection laws for being too expansive and removing  children from loving and safe homes without due process. “Families are being abused, and in some cases, destroyed, as a result  of laws that are inappropriate,” said Dwight Mitchell, the lead  plaintiff in the case and founder of the parents’ association. “This is legal kidnapping.”

 This legal kidnapping is happening in states across the country and  it is contributing to the very real epidemic of child trafficking. The  reality of such practices within the United States foster system is  outright horrifying. In 1984, the United States Congress established the National Center  for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), and, as part of Missing  Children’s Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2013 they receive $40  million to study and track missing and trafficked children in the United  States. 

In 2017, NCMEC assisted law enforcement with over 27,000 cases of  missing children, the majority who were considered endangered runaways. According to their most recent report complied from FBI data and their own, of the nearly 25,000 runaways reported to NCMEC in 2017, one in seven were likely victims of child sex trafficking. Of those, 88 percent were in the care of social services when they went missing. 

Showing the scope of the abuse, in 2017 alone, NCMEC’s  CyberTipline, a national mechanism for the public and electronic service  providers to report instances of suspected child sexual exploitation,  received over 10 million reports. According to NCMEC, most of these tips were related to the following:  

  • Apparent child sexual abuse images.
  • Online enticement, including “sextortion.”
  • Child sex trafficking.
  • Child sexual molestation.

Other governmental organizations have corroborated this horrifying trend. In a 2013 FBI 70-city nationwide raid, 60 percent of the victims came from foster care or group homes. In 2014, New York authorities estimated that 85 percent of sex trafficking victims were previously in the child welfare system.

 In 2012, Connecticut police rescued 88 children from sex trafficking; 86 were from the child welfare system.  Equally as disturbing as the fact that most sex trafficked kids come  from within the system is the fact that the FBI discovered in a 2014 nationwide raid that many foster children rescued from sex traffickers, including children as young as 11, were never reported missing by child welfare authorities. Last year, TFTP reported on an example of this lack of reporting out  of Topeka, Kansas. 

In the shocking report, the Kansas Department for  Children and Families (DCF), which oversees foster care in the state,  were found to have lost 70 children after a high profile case of three  missing sisters garnered the attention of authorities. This has to stop. It should be noted that there are certainly instances of abusive  parents who should not have custody of their children. There are also  many kind and loving foster parents willing to take them in. 

However, as  the recent case in Minnesota highlights, many times, these children are torn from loving homes and forced into a system rife with abuse and trafficking. One terrifying example of kids being unnecessarily taken from their  parents by the state only to be severely harmed in government custody  comes out of Arizona, the state kidnapped a 5-year-old girl from her  mother who had an alleged substance abuse problem and put her directly  into the hands of a leader of a child sex ring. 

Even after the girl’s mother recovered from her addiction, the state  refused to return her daughter. Even worse, the mother found out that her daughter was being repeatedly sexually abused and no action was taken to remove her daughter from the state’s system. 

Sadly, children all over the US are taken from caring parents who  have admitted to using marijuana or other drugs. 

While there’s no  national count on how many parents lose custody of their kids each year  due to marijuana, Keith Stroup, founder of the National Organization for  the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)  told The Daily Chronic that his team gets calls “three or four times a week  from people who have lost custody of their children because they tested  positive at birth or in a situation where parents are feuding over  custody.” This kidnapping even occurs in regions where marijuana is  legal. Even high-level government officials have been ensnared in these foster care abuse scandals. 

As TFTP previously reported, multiple  victims came forward and accused Seattle Mayor Ed Murray of sexually  abusing them when they were children in Washington’s foster care system. The records in that case, dating back to 1984, explicitly noted that  Ed Murray should “never again be utilized as a certified CSD resource  for children.” It also showed that a criminal case was brought against  Murray by prosecutors but in spite of the multiple accusations, charges  were somehow never filed and his records buried. 

As Snopes and the mainstream media in general attempts to smear those  who try to call attention to alleged and very real child trafficking,  the government’s own data shows how irresponsible this is. While there  are certainly some outlandish theories being presented online, the facts  are outlandish enough to warrant serious scrutiny. Until this epidemic  is taken seriously, the government, the media, and all those who deny it  will remain complicit in keeping it going. 

As Michael Dolce, who specializes in these horrific child abuse cases, pointed out earlier this year, “we have set up a system to sex traffic American children.” Indeed we have. 

Thank-you @tftproject for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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This is so sad and so hard to believe what humans are capable of.
Thank you so much @tftproject for spreading this awareness of what is going on and that we have to step up and pay attention to what is going on around us and protect not only our children but all the children.

This is very sad..
how the government overcame it

The only way to end this horrible nightmare is to shine a bright light on it! Thanks for shedding some light! There is another project started to save the children from sex slavery -
It's a Documentary
"Operation Toussaint" was created to tell the story about Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad. O.U.R. which goes into the darkest places on earth and save children from sex slavery.
Recently they did a private screening of the Operation Toussaint documentary, and were able to raise over $1,000,000 in just 72 hours. It takes about $2,500 to save a child from slavery, so this one viewing was able to help rescue over 400 children!

They now want to help save another 400 children during their online launch of the documentary and they need our help by sharing the link to the FREE Premiere - The link is

It is chilling how we as a nation promote death of our progeny. This is our future, if we don't protect our children. Our nation will hit an all time low. Well written article on one that makes me angry at auch wanton cruelty for mammon.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

America could give a flying fuck about children.
We're the ONLY nation that won't sign the International Treaty for the Rights of Children.
1 out of 5 children live in poverty.
We have used and abused children for generations.

  • We've enslaved children.
  • Turned native children into white kids.
  • Done this immigration thing during the last Depression.
  • Japanese interment camps.
  • We used to depend on child labor
  • We drop 121 bombs per day, killing children.
    America hates children...uses them for horrible things and keeps thinking it is someone else's fault that we have all the problems we do.

Have the Treaty for the Rights of Children?

Adoption of it would increase instances of families losing their children exponentially. It essentially causes children to be considered as separate entities from their parents and severs the connections that in the United States have been recognize through long-established case law that even the Ninth Circuit Court is reluctant to undermine.

As homeschoolers, we've long fought against Treaty being signed because it would essentially destroy our right to safely school our children at home without having them removed for daring to do so.

Why would that happen ONLY in the USA?
It happen NO WHERE else and every other nation on earth has passed it?
The only thing it does, that American's don't like is about abortions and not being able to consider our children as our property.

That's not true. I don't like it because it removes a crippling amount of the parental right to determine what course they want to take in teaching their children or treating them medically. It is tremendously detrimental to the rights of parents to guard and protect their children.

This has nothing to do with abortions or treating children as property. It has to do with parents being given the right as those who love their children best to determine the things that most directly impact them.

And if Family Protection posts have shown nothing else, they have shown that these things WOULD and DO happen across the Earth. Take a look at children in England made to die instead of being released to their parents' care to seek other options. That only happens here if the authorities manage to avoid any publicity. Once it goes that public, the hospital would be forced to let the child go to the parents because our case law currently demands parents be given the overwhelming weight of consideration in decisions about the child's welfare where the Rights of the Child mentality creates a lot more ways of cutting parents out of the decisions.

Which nation is this happening in?
Society has a responsibility to our children. Some parents should not be able to harm their children because they think it is right.
You are saying that parents have rights to harm a child, even if society see the children being harmed, that is treating a child as property.
Children belong to God. Society has a responsibility to them to keep them from harm in dangerous households. me an article or show me the text of the treaty or show me something besides your opinion and I might be able to converse about the topic with you.
IMHO, if the US signed this treaty it would make it harder for the US Military to continually bomb children of color the ongoing War of Terror...which would also be a good thing.
Also...we wouldn't steal children from refugees, at the border...

First of all, this and things like this (human trafficking, removal of children without redress) are happening in every single ratified country. That is not a valid argument for this discussion, nor would the adoption of the UNRotC change anything. This is demonstrably true. In order for this situation of child trafficking to be stopped, EXISTING LAW must be diligently enforced. Adding laws will change nothing except to remove parental rights.

To discuss all the different points of the UNRotC would be a very, very long post in and of itself. This article addresses many of my concerns. It is written by a legal organization in the United States which has been fighting for parental rights to have final decision-making capability for their children since the early 80s.

The salient point is that the UNRotC creates binding law - superimposed over the laws in any country in which it's enacted - which lead to the death of at least two young boys in England over the past 12 months, which makes the government the ultimate arbitor and guardian of all children. It reaches into the homes of the citizens burdened with it and makes them responsible to the government. This is not opinion. This is the stated goal of the drafters and convention members implementing UNRotC.

This is EXACTLY the onerous and terrible situation we are dealing with in @familyprotection posts right now. If someone believes this to be reasonable, I would question participation in @familyprotection posts and goals: the overreach of UNRotC - government having the final say in the treatment of children - already partially exists and is proving itself evil to it's core.

I think #6 sums it up the most.
Americans want to spend more on bombing children of color in poor nations, than we want to spend on our own children.
1 out of 5 children live in poverty in this nation...and the author of that pdf file thinks we should NOT spend more money on them and spend it on bombing children instead?!?!?!?!?!
Even the Saudi's signed it...and they treat their children horribly...
btw - when ratifying a treaty, many countries do put forth exceptions.
If USA really wanted parents to continue to have the right to beat their could put that reservation into the some other nations did when they ratified the International Treaty for the Rights of like Saudi Arabia and Israel put in reservations to help keep their women out of power...we won't sign that one either.
This Treaty would force OUR government to stop doing some the horrors it does to children.
It would mostly, however, hinder our war profiteering, as we would be forced to bomb less children of color every year, until we started taking care of our own children.
The USA treats children horribly.
If you have a better solution than joining the civilized world, I'm interested in hearing it.
I am still waiting for actual evidence...not just some passing comment...about how the horrors of this treaty are ruining the lives of children in other nations...especially in comparison to how the USA treats children.

It sickens me that Madam Albright signed this treaty...after she helped to slaughter so many children in Iran with her sanctions and said the 1/2 million dead children was worth the price....

I've been a homeschooler for 20 years.
There's nothing that would stop me from doing it. It would actually stop the shit our government does to homeschoolers now, where they take kids away if parents refuse to give their children drugs, etc.

And you asked if I read it. Long ago, I did.
Have you?

Yes, but also not recently.

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For parents, if anyone would like to read this guide about what the scotus has said about the family law, feel free to use it. Just don't think you know more than your lawyer if you do, as most family law is a state issues.

In CPS shelters there is no distinction regarding age, at least in my country and young children are placed with teenagers and in many opportunities they exercise their sexuality with the youngest ones and in many situations the guards see them and they the blind do