I thought there's such a problem only in Russia...
Juvenille justice is becoming crueler from year to year, there're new and new norms ans standards which allow to take a baby away from the family.. I'm just shiverring when I hear new stories.. I can't put in in my mind - how can it be in general?? Parents are alive, they're loving and caring but somebody else decides whether they are worth to be parents!
we have some loud cases that appeared to be great scandals, the society is nervous about it but their activity is not stopped yet.
They come home, they can check how you take care of a kid, YOUR kid... strangers decide it...shock
I know a case when a baby fell accidently and mom took him to a hospital to check if he was ok. He was fine but the hospital tol the police about it and the next day they came to write an official paper with explanations. The mother was really afraid they would punish her somehow because they could think she beated a baby.
Too much wrong in their actions.. It's better to give necessary conditions of life to kids but not to take them away from moms!
Sadly this seems to be happening all over the world in all of the developed countries.
Thank-you for sharing about how Russia has the same problems.
I hope that somehow we can together put a stop to our over-reaching government workers who take it upon themselves to destroy families and children wherever they please.
Thank-you for reading!
people must protect and struggle for their interests
thank you for attention too!!