CONGRATULATIONS, my favourite community!!
Some days ago I discovered that we've our first birthday!;)
Great news! A real holiday!
The first bday is always the most important, because the 1st year is the most complicated, as a rule (like with babies, yeah?;)
It touched my heart at once, maybe because my mom's heart can't stay calm when our world is so imperfect...I remmeber the first days, when @markwhittam announced his idea and presented this project.
I remember the first organisation problems, misunderstanding among some people towards our activity and even fighting with it...
But the founders, @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut, were absolutely right: @familyprotection is unstoppable!
ANd I'm so happy to be a part of this important idea!
My sinccere congratulations to the community and all its members!
Here is my little video gift for you;)
I wanted and tried dozens of times to download the video on dtube, but some technical problems didn't allow me to do it;(
Unknown error;(
So I hope you don't mind I had to do it in Youtube.
I hope you can;)
the access to the video is available by this link.
thank you, Friends!!
Thank-you for making this great video.
It's hard to believe that a whole year has gone by already!
just the same, Linda!
Time flies so fast..
I'm happy you like my gift;)
Happy Anniversary @familyprotection may more people be educated for what reality is to so many other families.
Nice vid @taliakerch, awesome that you took the time to make it esp for Family Protection 😊
thank you!)
A BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO @FAMILYPROTECTION. Yes I too remember when I started writing comments in FB posts and eventually articles. It has been a great first year and beginning to a glorious future for children and families. BTW The video rocks!!! I can see it as a promo marketing tools for the @familyprotection cause. Again Congratulations. Now let's enjoy a piece of cake and kick the ass of evil to the curb. Blessings.
Yay!!!!. Save some cake for me.
The video was awesome. We will keep moving forward
thank you!)
Stay blessed my dear friend.Thanks for the video @taliakerch it described the community perfectly!. , I am glad we are still in the right direction and we are still here today.
I'm happy too)
thank you!
howdy there taliakerch! congratulations on the one year anniversary of working hard to get the word out and helping so many people. God bless familyprotection!
I will share the link to this post in my show Spice4life on Sunday 7 pm UTC. It's a great video and a great summary and reminder what we are doing in the @familyprotection community. I am also following you now!
I'm happy to know it, thank you!
Aw! What a sweet thing to do! A well deserved honor for @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam :0)
for sure!
their mission is really great!
Happy birthday guys, thank you for touching lives. Where is @markwhittam anyway...haven't felt his presence in a long while
Thanks! Mark has been busy working long hours at a job (for now) and taking a breather from Steemit. Hopefully he'll be back, joining in again with us soon.
расти большим и крепким проектом)
Поздравляю с этой датой!!! Отличное видео получилось!
Love the video @taliakerch I also remember the announcement @markwhittam and his amazing partner @canadian-coconut and I can't believe it is already one year and very, very successful and only getting stronger.
You are amazing and we all love you.Happy Birthday @familyprotection.
This is my favorite community BY FAR, also!
May this community continue to live and thrive so that more children and families might also do so.