This scandal happened 22 years ago. But the case was so loud that it's still alive.
And this this woman doesn't accept her guilt. And still she is not in prison.

The criminal case against Nadezhda Fratti (she has Italian roots but lived in Russia all her life) was opened in 2002.
On June 24, 2010, she was sentenced for the fourth time, which she again did not agree with and appealed to a higher court.

She is impossible to catch! For 22 years! Unbelievable.

The investigation insisted that, Ms. Fratti represented interests of one of the international associations, and she organized transportation of more than 500 Volgograd orphans abroad in 1993-1999.

She wasn't alone in her devil plan: the head doctor of the maternity hospital Antonina Tekucheva, the former director of the Kirov orphanage Tatyana Chaplina and the former employee of the regional education committee Valentina Gerusova helped her.

These women provided Fratti access to the personal files of kids from Volgograd orphanages to select candidates who met the wishes of the customers.

Together, Tekucheva and Chaplin helped Nadezhda Fratti formalize the adoption of children, passing her forms from their institutions with seals.

In exchange for the assistance provided, all three visited Italy.
According to the investigation, the trips were fully paid for by Nadezhda Fratti, which the prosecution considered to be the receipt of bribes in the form of a property benefit.

In April 2002, all defendants were acquitted by the Volgograd Regional Court due to insufficient evidence of guilt.

Then, following a protest by the prosecutor's office, the defendants were given suspended sentences.
At the same time, each subsequent charge brought in the case was appealed to a higher court until the term of criminal prosecution for the crimes came to an end.

How is it possible?
suspended sentences!

More than 20 years passed, but still this case isn't forgotten.
In one of the recent TV-shows somebody reminded about it, and the info came to the General Bastrykin. He demanded a report on the results of the investigations conducted in connection with the criminal case of Nadezhda Fratti.

Maybe at least now this woman will get what she has to get.



I think now it is a matter of justice for those children, I hope the culprit will be punished.

maybe this woman thought she gave them better future abroad, but...nobody asked kids where their life would go on...
moreover, it's a big question that really loving parents adopted them.

Wow this is such an evil act.

kidnapping is so widely spread all over the world..

Honestly! Sometimes I wish the world is so full of love no hatred/jealousy, no racism, just people living in harmony with each other. But it’s crazy to note that bad parenting and society
made those kidnappers, because if the world is peaceful no one would want to do such harm to other people.

the world is crazy now