Domestic violence is a great problem of the modern world. In my country this problem has become widely known and discussed during recent years. Especially when western system rules were transferred here.

The problem is that western "domestic violence" has definite meaning and description that is not common for local outlook and family values.

Officials try to eliminate domestic violence using several steps: creating a system of support and protection for victims of violence, criminalizing stalking (obsessive pursuit),
training law enforcement officers.

But here the problem began: our obvious traditional fabric of life began to come into conflict with other people's approaches, with other people's views on what is right and what is wrong at home and in the family.
And the biggest problem is that the modern Western approach to resolving the situation of domestic violence leads to the destruction of the family.

If we have problems inside of the family we have 2 ways out: to solve them or to destroy the family.
Our tradition says that family have to be saved using all possible methods. Western values advise just to keep your own rights and fight for them even against your own parents.

If we keep this direction, we will have fewer and fewer families.
If the current Western idea is taken to its absolute, then the family disappears, turning into a group of people temporarily existing together on a regulated legal basis.

There can be no love, respect, or obligations here, but only legal grounds for existence. This is a complete collapse of the Institute of Family: a child can write a statement against a parent, a parent - against a child, and this broad interpretation of violence will lead to absolute disintegration of traditional families.

It seems that juvenile lobby promotes the statement that families are places of danger, disrespect and violence.
So no families - no evil!
And kids are better to live far from parents who "violate their rights".

That's their goal?



I guess they just want the world to work their way. Maybe from inside they also understand that a person becomes lonely as a result of all this, but perhaps this excites them even more. Because powerful and dominant people never want unity and love among common people.
I love a dialogue from the movie Iron Man that 'we create our own demons' Those who commit domestic violence have also learned all this from their elders. Now that a serious problem already exists, a serious law should also be there to deal with it. But keeping family, love, and traditional values in mind. This is what I think.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!