Sounds like an awesome professor actually. My philosophy teacher back in high school was exactly what you described earlier. She was imposing her beliefs on us. Not cool. I study chemistry now, so no more philosophy for me at school... But I read more than I ever have.
Continuing on the biased note; It's something I hate most. Subjective grading. Grades that have nothing to do with your knowledge, only with how much the teacher liked you.
On that note; all my essays in Slovenian (my native language) always scored Ds or maybe Cs on a good day... While my English ones (I had a neutral relationship with my English teacher) were always much, much better graded. But it took my will to write entirely. Even though I've always enjoyed it. A lot.
Only recently have I picked up writing again and am now writing daily and enjoying myself more than ever. I can't help but think that it's also my teacher's fault that I've abandoned this love of mine for so long. :/
And I also write in English now, not in Slovenian. I guess that's just part of all this also.
I love writing! I published a book last month that was a story I wrote on here chapter by chapter. I've always written academically (I have a Masters in Econ) but I love the freedom of fiction!
Hmm. I definitely have some reading to do then! I'll go check your blog out in greater detail! :p
And yes. There's something magical about being able to go with the train of thought, no matter where it takes you. Without constraints of reality.
Feels as if opening a brand new world each time you open a new Word document.