Child Abuse Pediatricians: An “Ethically Bankrupt” Profession that Destroys Families

in #familyprotection6 years ago

Before we get back into the how and what of this catastrophe, it's equally if not more important to focus on the why, as well. This has nothing whatsoever with the wellbeing of children- medical or otherwise. The purpose of child abuse pediatrics has one goal- to keep the child trafficking pipeline full of "participants." The reasons are twofold and related: the first, of course is financial- the amount of money generated by states and the federal government is astronomical. The second and more nefarious is to keep a non-ending supply of children for sex traffickers, organ harvesters, and Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). These medical "specialists" are merely a means to an end. There is another reason as well that needs mentioning- the globalist/cultural marxist attempt to gain a hegemony on power by destroying the cornerstone of civilization- the family.

 Accusations of medical child abuse (MCA), a form of abuse described as “a child receiving unnecessary and/or potentially harmful medical care at the instigation of a caretaker” are increasing rapidly.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), actual medical child abuse is extremely rare. In a 2013 clinical report, the organization estimated that health professionals will ‘likely encounter at least one case during their career,’ with a reported incidence of approximately 0.5 to 2.0 per 100,000 children younger than 16 years old. (By contrast, mitochondrial disease, which is considered a rare disease, is estimated to occur in approximately 1 in 4,000 people.)The number of reported allegations starkly differ from the AAP’s numbers, however. Although most states do not track cases of medical child abuse separately from other types of child abuse, Michigan does…. If (Michigan’s reported) figures are indicative of national trends, they would suggest that more than 1,600 parents are accused of medical child abuse each year.

In other words the "epidemic of child abuse" we so often hear about is nonexistent. Similarly:  Hence, using the term “Child Abuse Expert” for a medical doctor, is really an oxymoron. The doctor typically holds no other medical specialty, and the people trained to find abuse of children are law enforcement officers and detectives, trained in forensic science, not medical science. Child Abuse Experts are not trained in forensic science or law enforcement. So they really are not “experts” in anything. 

These are ideologically driven "doctors" with an ulterior motive.  The Child Abuse Specialist teams at many Children’s Hospitals are funded, at least in part, by government grants and non-profit organizations (NGO's). 

 One example of governmental funding would be the Multidisciplinary Pediatric Education and Evaluation Consortium [MPEEC] arrangement in Illinois. In Kentucky, the Pediatric Forensic Medicine team at the University of Louisville was created with a grant from Kosair Charities in 2007 and has been funded in later years with on-going grants from that same non-profit organization. Both of Kentucky’s certified Child Abuse Pediatricians are members of this group. 

Another of these groups is the Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center, whose goal is to increase total annual revenue over five years to $8 million and to increase unrestricted annual revenue by 75% to approximately $3 million. Another goal is to bring internal stakeholders together around a unified brand promise. Whatever "branding" has to do with helping children escapes me, not to mention children were never even mentioned in their stated goals. The MPEEC, a partnership between Chicago CPS and the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center, has been successful in breaking up families however...  Parents who have encountered social workers and Child Abuse Specialists are likely not surprised about the priority of adding allegations. Numerous parents have told us that the workers pad reports with as many allegations as they can come up with, throwing them out in the hopes that “something sticks.” 

 Child Abuse Specialists have held themselves out to be THE expert on all things child abuse related. Their papers and statements amount to clever marketing of a particular agenda, squeezing out all competition, whether it comes in the form of actual medical experts or of parents, who just want what is best for their child. Social workers, attorneys, GALs, judges, and the media have bought their propaganda hook, line, and sinker. 

 “Protected”? The Headley boys were taken from their family based on the word of a Child Abuse Specialist. They were eventually reunited, but all suffered abuse and trauma in foster care. One was sexually molested in a group home. Photo supplied by family. Yet these "specialists" are never held accountable... how do you compensate a young boy who has been sexually abused- sometimes "sorry" isn't good enough.

 In the rush to establish their expertise, child abuse pediatricians in the MPEEC program have trained DCFS investigators to consider their opinions as to bone fractures and head injuries to be of greater validity than those of subspecialists.

Because of administrative convenience, such exaggerated claims of superior expertise by child abuse pediatricians in determining whether an injury was accidental or inflicted continues to gain acceptance among state child protection agencies who are acting to deprive parents of custody of their children or who are otherwise grossly interfering with family life.

Moreover, judges who ultimately resolve these matters can be persuaded to see beyond the superficial conclusion that the child must have been abused because the child abuse pediatrician says so, but this effort may require both specialized legal representation and the services of medical specialists that are simply not available to all innocent parents. 

The Pelletier case shows how ethically bankrupt these ideologues really are... Once their mind is made up, it's made up despite any contravening evidence. Far too frequently, the child abuse pediatrician does not seek out appropriate consultations with other specialists, in particular neurosurgeons and orthopedists. Because the hallmark of many rare diseases are seemingly unconnected symptoms spread across multiple systems and organs, a physician who isn’t well-acquainted with their symptoms and diagnostic criteria might leap to a child abuse accusation instead. 

 Dr. Mark Korson, a metabolic geneticist, treated Justina Pelletier, the teenage girl who captured national attention last year when her parents were accused of medical child abuse; she was removed from her family for 15 months before legal action was dropped.

In the Pelletier case, he notes that his attempts to gather all of Justina’s physicians and caseworkers in a room to discuss the case were met with a “frank refusal.” This refusal, according to Dr. Korson, prevented open information sharing, and led to a situation where the doctor making the accusations of abuse was the “loudest one” in the room. The failure of the Pelletier case had “very little to do with diagnosis, and everything to do with a failure of process in how that case was managed,” Dr. Korson says.

The child abuse doctors have an agenda and the best interest of the patient has nothing to do with it- they have a point to make... when it comes to child abuse they are the be all and end all of the medical profession, legitimate specialists be damned! Their goal is to separate families at any cost while keeping their financial coffers full at the same time... the child trafficking pipeline must be fed at all costs. This is NOT medicine, this is quackery at its worst- and most damaging.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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