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RE: International Tribunal Exposes Child Sex Trafficking

Thank you for your continuing coverage of this predatory scheme using these children. I knew there was bad shit going on, but wanted so badly to think you were full of shit when I first read your articles on this when i first joined Steemit. After witnessing the persecution of VOP, and then researching more as I read your posts, posts by familyprotection etc, it troubles my heart how much information is all around us on this, hidden in plain sight so to speak. All one has to do is care enough to look.

I hope that this hearing isn't just a charade to make the masses think something is being done as they continue on business as usual laughing at how gullible people WANT to be.


Thank you my friend... I came across this tweet and have been in touch with the guy hoping that he will forward the info to me.


I don't have a Twitter account. I tried to open one, but they claimed 5 minutes into setting my profile my activity was suspicious and demanded my phone number. No thanks, lol.

However, I follow VOP on Twitter, and by extension one of their followers, Fiona Barnett. She was used in the MKultra sex slave project as a child like Cathy O'Brien. She has taken an interest in VOP and has helped them uncover a lot, especially on Sawyer. Such as this post she made on Twitter.

If you don't hear back from the person whose tweet you shared, try reaching out to her. I think she is in contact with him.

I'm friends with Fiona on Twitter, we've spoken on there several times.