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RE: Free Range Kids - Should a Parent Have the Right to Determine their Child’s Readiness for Independency and Limited Supervision?

So much this. Society has this weird and untrue view of "danger" (imagining the guy in a van with free candy) when the reality is, most kids are in danger from people they already know (whether that's a family member, or say, the parish priest) and the parents (if they're not the abuser) probably trust. We're punishing parents for being GOOD parents (like your example), and not catching the real horror cases like those people in California who tortured their kids. Like, if CPS existed just to help THOSE kids? Sure. Those kids need help. But that's not ever how it works. The horror stories go on for years and nobody catches it; the nothing was wrong and families' lives were ruined by CPS stories happen every day.
The woman in your example was being a good mom, imo - being a helicopter parent is stifling to a kid's development and leads to more immature, incapable, and spoiled kids, I think. We complain about "kids today," but whose fault is that? It's society's fault - not the kids who were raised to be that way (and not that I think there is anything inherently wrong or different about "kids today," anyway, but you know what I mean).


Very true points. The CPS does need to leave the good parents alone and go after the real horrors. Thanks for reading and commenting.