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RE: The War On Childhood & Gender Identity

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

I have carried out my own research on this, equally it's not a scientific subject and so there are no research papers. The fact that endocrine disrupters estrogen, xenoestrogen and many many more chemicals and pesticides and feminising boys is an area of scientific research and there have been many papers published on this.

Including many scientists that have spoken out about endocrine disrupters. Professor Andreas Kortenkamp and hailing from the University of London’s Centre for Toxicology tested 37 widely used pesticides. The scientists tested these pesticides and were able to show that 30 out of the 37 actively blocked or mimicked male hormones. These findings also showed that many of these hormone disrupters were unnamed, unknown and as such un-researched.

Scientists at Johann Wolfgang Goethe university in Frankfurt have detected estrogenic activity in 78% of bottled water samples.

Lets take a quick look at the flame retardant chemicals that are being used on our furniture, beds, pillows and even electronic equipment. These chemicals have yet again been shown to cause hormone disruption, infertility, birth defects, reduced IQ, behavioural issues and cancer.

The research carried out by the university of Rochester in the United States shows that that these chemicals endocrine/hormone disrupters alter the brains of male foetuses & baby boys and make them more feminine. This particular area of research focused upon the ability of phthalates to disrupt hormones. This leads to an increase in the feminising of boys and equally an increase of genital abnormalities. Phthalates also impact on the developing brain by disrupting the growth of the male hormone testosterone. It’s important to note that male foetuses and baby boys are known to be far more susceptible to these chemicals than their female counterparts.

As recent studies have shown sperm rates in the west have plunged by 60% in just 40 years. Bearing the information I’ve already shared in mind is this really surprising? Indeed scientists have attributed this to hormone disrupting chemicals, diet, stress, pesticides, and possibly air pollutants. Some have also made a connection to smoking but I’d just like to highlight that the rates of smoking have been rapidly decreasing whilst sperm levels have been dropping.

In realtion o schools if you look at the post you will see that the government questionnaire sent out to school children lists a choice of 26 genders, equally there are 71 to choose from on facebook. Gender neutral toilets are being installed in schools within my area. The Scottish government are looking into allowing primary school children to change gender whilst in school without parental consent, from 12 onwards legal gender. The Canadian Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, or Bill 89: is very ambiguous in relation to parental rights. The named person act (which I feel is a gross intrusion into parental rights) is live and operating across the whole counry. Drag queens are reading books relating to gender fluidity to nursery age children. The girl guides are allowing boys that identify as girls to join and from their website "gendered facilities, such as toilets, can cause anxiety. Members are entitled to use the facilities of the gender that they self-identify as". There are childrens drag queen shows and they are becoming ever more popular. New york fashion week did feature a ten year old drag kid whom is also an awarded LGBTQ advocate.

Gender prenouns are being dropped across a vaste swathe institutions, including the use of the term "pregnant mothers" by the NHS. There has been a surge in the number of children identifying as trans and calling helplines and visiting clinics “The numbers are enormous,” says Dr Michelle Telfer, the leading specialist at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s Hospital, which recently received a windfall $6 million from the ­Vic­torian Government to cope with demand. When you couple this with the scientific research into endocrine/hormone disrupters (feminising of boys) and the associated the loss of testosterne and a 60% decrease in sperm I think you would be neglectful if you didn't point out a potential link?

Equally, For generations there has been a debate raging amongst "experts" as to whether trans is a psychological perception or if it's related to biology. For a minute lets approach it as if it was a psychological condition. Now it's within the nature of children to look up to and indeed seek recognition from adults. All of a sudden the virtues of "trans" are everywhere, It's on childrens TV, in school, in books and trans children are being lorded as stars on youtube etc. Obviously if children are seeking recogntion then it stands to reason that they may subconsciously begin to imitate these new "stars" .. I mean the same process has played out for generations with pop stars, celebrities so perhaps that statement isn't too much of a leap to make.

From another perspective I feel many of the points I've highlighted in the post will cause confusion in the minds of young children that would have never even thought about the possibility of gender fluidity. Like I said above surely we would be simply better at teaching children, compassion, kindness and the acceptance of differences .. I don't think we need to go into specifics and details at such a young age.

I'm very aware of what the media do and so yes I'm also aware that the skirt options for boys and allowing boys whom identify as girls to sleep in girls dorms at boarding schools are isolated to a few schools but I hope the above have at least supplied some food for thought and equally shown that I have not written this post by simply looking at newspaper headlines. I also had an aunt (whom I loved) that was one of the first people in my country to undergo a sex change and so rest assured I have experience with the psychology involved and equally have zero axes to grind in relation to the choices of adults.