
All too often, we read about or watch terrible injustices, involving children being taken from their parents illegally, by the family courts. These courts are responsible for handing down prison sentences to frustrated and angry parents who have dared to oppose the system. Family courts are the catalyst behind Forced Adoptions, which are not only illegal but are crimes against humanity!! To deprive parents, who have NEVER committed a criminal act against children, the right to see, or have any contact with their children is a despicable act!!

Family Courts should be disbanded and let criminal courts prosecute parents, who have committed a crime against children. Child cruelty and neglect should be a matter for the police and the criminal courts, where we are deemed innocent until proven guilty. Parents need a court without secrecy, they need a court which gives them the freedom to speak, parents need a court where they are judged by a jury of their peers, parents need a FAIR COURT not a FAMILY COURT!!


Children in care should be allowed contact by phone or email with parents and friends and neither children or parents should ever be told what they can or cannot discuss. In a democratic society, no person should ever be punished or restrained unless they have committed a crime!!

The most frequent reason for removal of a child is "The risk of emotional abuse" The evidence that Social Workers present in court, is very often unsupported allegations or hearsay. Judges would much rather hear this evidence than that of the parents or their first hand witnesses. This is another reason that these cases need to be held in a criminal court, parents need a jury to hear their voices, to listen to their evidence. Based upon unsupported allegations and hearsay, a jury would NEVER remove a child from the parents.

A defendant in a criminal court, who is facing prison, has the right to a trial by jury, yet a mother faced with the loss of her child does not have that right, whats more if she complains publicly, she is jailed for contempt of court, it is estimated that there are at least 200 such jailings every year, another reason that Family Courts should be disbanded!!


In my opinion, Family Courts should be disbanded, all cases heard in a Criminal Court with a Jury present in every case, I believe we would see far less children being removed from the home! Criminals get a trial by jury, Civil Courts even have a jury to decide complicated cases of libel and city tax frauds, so I'm sure they are more than capable of deciding whether or not a child needs to be removed from their mother!! Bring on the Jury and lift the gagging orders on parents!!

Image Sources:-

Image 1 - https://pixabay.com/en/prison-cell-vacant-crime-145284/ Image 2 - https://pixabay.com/en/wrong-choice-rejection-decision-2426935/ Image 3 - https://pixabay.com/en/justice-right-legal-lawyer-word-2755765/