in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


My sister Lucy and I have been very busy this week, we have been to see a couple of young women, who have had their babies stolen by the secret courts, Lucy befriended them online and they have been supporting each other ever since. I felt quite emotional listening to their stories. We have also made contact with a former Social Worker, through a contact group, to ask if she would be willing to give us an interview and answer some very sensitive questions about her former role. She has agreed to meet us next Tuesday to answer our questions over lunch.

I first met Janet at a charity event in Liverpool 3 years ago, we were raising money for Alder Hey Childrens Hospital. She was still a Social Worker then and had been in the job for 13 years. She told me then, that she was looking for a career change, as she was unhappy at the changes that had been made within the system. Lucy bumped into her again last month and it seems Janet has jumped ship, she is now working for the other side, our side!!


I am now busy compiling my questions and I will be tough, I want to get to the bones of how the system is run and the criteria for stealing babies away from their mothers. If any of you @familyprotection want me to ask any particular questions, please ask in the comment section. I will be posting the interview either Tuesday night or Wednesday.

UPDATE Janet called me this morning (18.02.2018) due to family commitments she has changed the date of the interview to Friday 23.02.2018 - I will post the interview Friday or Saturday, Lucy and I are hoping to record it so an audio will be available for those of you who want it.


Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
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It's great, that you've met someone, who will tell you, how the system works from the inside. I wonder, if social workers get bribes for giving children up for adoption illegally?

Hi @naditinkoff I have to give all the credit to my sister Lucy really, she networks with people all the time since her baby was taken, I'm just her minder, making sure her Aspergers doesn't get her into trouble. I will add your question to my list, thanks for taking the time to comment on my post :)

I am not familiar with the operations of CPS in your country, but here in the states I've done a great deal of research over the years. Many children placed in foster care here in the U.S. are ultimately diagnosed with mental disorders and prescribed SSRI drugs. But I think across the board these questions need answered and maybe this person will shed some light.

#1) Are you familiar with the term "Akathisia"?
#2) While working in the agency did you find many cases of children being diagnosed with behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, ADD or ADHD after being placed in foster care?
#3) For those children that may be diagnosed with any of these problems do you know if they were then prescribed medication?
#4) To the best of your knowledge do you know if CPS staff are educated in the potential side-effects of these medications and receive specific training to address them?
#5) To the best of your knowledge and experience do you know if Foster Care parents are made aware of the potential side-effects from these medications and are they being properly trained to recognize a side-effect and act accordingly?
#6) While employed with the agency were you ever made aware of any promotions, encouragements or incentives to recommend any foster children to mental health for possible examination or treatment?

If you are not familiar with the term "akathisia" or if you want to see where my focus is as to why these are my questions for the ex-caseworker, my article will explain.

Fabulous comment and questions @vickiebarker until I found @familyprotection I didn't know a lot about the ins and outs of the CPS in the states, or any other country apart from the UK. It certainly seems like it is a worldwide problem. I will add your questions to my list :) I will read your article about "akathisia" now :)

Thank you and your sis for doing what you are doing. I am sure I would like to add a couple of questions, just need some time and am swamped right now. Commenting so I can get back here before Tuesday, resteeming to see if others want to chime in and following so I don't miss the Interview post. (Pleased to meet you)

Thanks @vickiebarker - I look forward to your questions, it's an important topic, so I want to make sure I ask the right ones :)

Carry on the great great work

We try our best @navala :)

Up voted ... I’m going through a ..... lot ... sick of the family law court system here in Australia ... western family law in short Is screwed.

Sounds like it is a worldwide problem @navala - sorry to hear that you are suffering at the hands of THE SYSTEM, you know that we are here to listen if you want to share, @familyprotection is a great source of support for many of us that are a part of it :)

I have shared ... I hope I have done ir correctly .....?

I'm sure you have and thank you :)

My question is will the woman being interviewed give her full name and prior place of employment? Otherwise it is just hearsay that could be coming from a disgruntled employee who may have lost her job for a variety of reasons other than being up set with the system.

You have a fair point @sunlit7 - I can't answer that at the moment, I will have to see on Tuesday when we meet up but I do agree with what you are saying, thanks for leaving a great comment :)

Thank you for your efforts, we will be attentive to the interview