Ok, thank you for the thoughtful response, I do believe you are grasping the scale of the problem now.
If there were some independent and very credible group, of 5-11 people(anything bigger would be nearly impossible to secure imo) then that body would be doing things like investigating cps investigators, the shady 'christian' adoption agencies, the shady lawyers who overlook convenient details, etc etc then those people would be themselves targeted.
I believe then that this group should themselves be childless as any children of such people would be put at risk. (fwiw i also do not think it is a good idea to post family pictures with your children on the internet like you and mark do, but that is of course your choice)
I think this body would have to be set up with principles that these investigators on this board would themselves never get near the actual children. The danger is that this body would themselves be charged with crimes against children and lose all their credibilty for life.
This body would simply be tasked with collating and publicizing information and also hiring credible private investigators local to whatever they are investigating.
Which is to say, those tasked with being public people should a. be above reproach b. not be risking their own or anyone else's children c. be kept far away from any danger of the local situation. d. be public people, everyone is going to know who you
Please get back to me when you have investigated Lori Handrahan's story and the Calderon/Frodsham/Osteraas case in Arizona(btw I cannot even say for certain if the child known as Jane Doe/Devani is even still alive, only Yournewswire(which is not credible...) has reported that she has died. You will find that the information on my blog about both of these is the best summary and investigation into these issues that has yet been written, but let me know what you find.
Both of these cases prove beyond any doubt to me that there are networks of elites who are so powerful they consider themselves above the law.
One of the reasons I am most proud of my blog is that all of the fbi or other law enforcement that is tasked with investigating me has to be exposed to the evidence that their own agencies allow other people to commit the worst crimes imaginable, while they have to go around persecuting political dissidents for thoughtcrime or precrime.