Is "human trafficking" softball talk for cracking down on the Billionaire Pedophile Club? Will Trump call it what it is?

There are some who believe the President is about to take a tougher public stand against the Billionaire Pedo Club that rules the world. I am not so sure, mostly because of those connections that are known (and proven) between Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, but it is possible. It is possible that Trump never engaged in illegal activity despite those connections, and it is also possible that if he did, that he has turned over a new leaf (or found God) and that he will expose this horrendous evil EVEN IF he knows it means jail time for himself if it all comes out.

I think, by now, we can probably dismiss the Q/Anon stuff as some type of disinformation, as none of "their" predictions of imminent arrests of thousands of suspected "deep state" pedo/swamp criminals has ever occurred. Sure it still COULD happen, but I wouldn't count on it...OR, if does happen it could very well turn out it is a Rex-84 roundup of patriots, not the billionaire pedos and their minions and enablers.

Here is a link with some hopeful evidence suggesting that perhaps Trump is about to actually take SOME action though:

With regard to the pedophile normalization agenda, it is WITHOUT a doubt tied in with the Homosexual Activist agendas such as the "Drag Queen Story Hour" agenda I tried to write about here yesterday, but had downvoted into oblivion by (possibly unwitting) supporters of these agendas.

In addition to the interesting discussion at the link above about what Trump may be preparing to do to crackdown on the evils of pedophilia and sexual crimes, there is an interesting corollary discussion going in there that ties things together pretty clearly. Consider this excerpt:

"The paper focused on pedophilia, and yes, the experience of childhood sexual assault was revealed as the most prevalent underlying cause for victims to become predators as adults. From documented interviews with jailed offenders, many stated that they their powerful urge to repeat the crimes that had been committed on them as children derived from the need to somehow relive it as the person in power rather than as the victims they had been. In other words, in their minds, playing the role of aggressor over other child victims was a kind of 'therapy' for them."

No one is saying we need to "hate" people who abuse children (or any of God's laws for proper human sexual relationships) but we do need to get predators off the streets, make the world a safer place for children, and get help for those who have been abused themselves and feel the need to prey on others as "therapy." There ARE safe therapies that DO help, despite those with agendas trying to get them banned this past year via the various state legislatures.

There should be limits to "liberal tolerance," and not speaking out against sexual perversions aimed at children should be something all tolerant and decent people of all political persuasions can support.

Let's ALL agree that organized child predator networks, enabled and coddled by wealth and power SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. If you can't agree with THAT, I am sorry, I don't hate you, but you are dangerous and need help.

Pray for the President to DO THE RIGHT THING and to end this stain on western civilization and to truly MAGA! Pray for his safety, especially if he is indeed moving in the right direction in this regard, and pray for wisdom for him and all who would do battle against this immense and extremely powerful evil.


The 'brownstone' aspect of child sex predation is widely ignored, and not just in the enemedia.

Consider how Hastert was long known to be a pedator during his High School coaching days by surveillance agencies and was then thrust into the heights of power. The extortive power of such ops is why there is a global tyranny slowly crushing our free peoples, as no one - ever - has voluntarily repented once such evidence is held by banksters and their minions in government and other agencies.

Given Trump's associates, from Rothschild banksters themselves, to the Clinton's and Epstein, it is difficult to support speculation that he is not compromised. Given the unparralleled public/private security and intelligence agency advocacy of his candidacy, resulting in his election and the subsequent diligent execution of appropriate agendae, suspicion that his political life is a result of such brownstone ops is highly circumstantially superable.

I watched as /pol/ was blasted by psyops advocating for GEOTUS. Comey's last minute reopening of the Clinton email investigation was a critical tell. George Webb openly stated during his 'investigation' that Webb was 'old guard' Mossad, and his work to counter her campaign was because she was "...bad for business."

If she had become President, they were implicated in all of her corruption, and would fall with her in any potential uprising, which her blatant criminality all but ensured.

Trump was safely in the bag, and salable.

Here we are.

I agree with everything you said here, my friend...and you said it eloquently, as always! Thanks.

I am holding out about 10-20% hope that Trump will do the right thing, regardless. No more.

Its human.. Imagination @mepatriot

No. It's demonic.

This is one of the most evil aspects of the NWO that few enough pay attention to. You are correct, it is the devil in action. The groups involved build tentacles that amass dirt on enough people to operate unhindered.

I think the numbers of missing children in northern virginia compared to other areas is very telling as well.

That would make sense given its proximity to the D.C. swamp.