
Isn't that a heck of a note? I have a MA in Econ. I did my undergrad in Poli Sci and was teaching a class in Social Sciences- kind of all the disciplines combined at a Jr College in Michigan plus I was doing guest lectures at CMU (my alma mater) in both PS and Econ. CPS shows up because some busy body drove by while my kids were outside during school hours and called... We also did Phys ed. I was outside supervising them.

Cute baby! I love them when they'e that age!!!

Thanks - I do love my cuddly babies!

I'm a native Michigander and we had a nosy neighbor call on us for exactly the same reason back in 1990 or so. My parents didn't have the same credentials, but thankfully we got out of trouble fairly easily and learned kids need to stay out of sight during school hours. Period. It's a sad state of affairs when innocent parents need to hide...

What part of Michigan? I went to Central Mich.