[Family Protection] Happy Endings: A Rousing Good Escape!

in #familyprotection7 years ago

Want to read something to put a real chicken-eating grin on your face for the rest of the day, @familyprotection people?

Check out the story of Alyssa Gilderhus and her brilliant parents, especially her step-dad Duane. He's the farm hick the prestigious Mayo Clinic thought they could just walk over and do what they want with his step-daughter.

He's also the guy who orchestrated busting Alyssa out of hospital jail and getting her across state lines - on gravel roads with the batteries out of their cell phones so the three police departments chasing them couldn't find them - to escape to Sanford University's hospital for a second opinion freeing Alyssa from medical imprisonment in Mayo.

Lifesaving Surgery

Alyssa herself suffered a brain aneurism on Christmas Day 2016 and barely survived after being a 2% chance of recovery. Her parents are grateful to the neurosurgeons at Mayo who pulled off the near impossible and did emergency brain surgery to repair the aneurysm.

It was after that the going got tough. Amber, Alyssa's mother, disagreed with "a top physician" about some of Alyssa's medication and treatment options. The family requested a transfer to a different hospital and were denied. They tried getting a lawyer involved and Mayo "literally laughed off" the request to transfer. Alyssa's mother was banned from the hospital on unfounded claims of mental instability and social services began court-shopping looking for a judge who would award Alyssa's guardianship to them.

That's when a cowboy rescue turned out to be the best option. Her parents managed to trick the hospital staff and head for a different state to get out of the Mayo hospital system in order to seek a second opinion. And boy, was it ever a chase!

Alyssa Is A Competent Adult

Through it all, Alyssa was involved. In spite of Mayo trying to insist otherwise, she's turned out to be a tough, scrappy young woman who helped rescue herself from medical kidnapping, relearned to walk, talk and feed herself and got back to the family farm where she is competing her peacocks in competitions, graduated from high school and is off to university this fall. This is a resilient homestead kid at her finest!

Know the System

If you want a good look into the current state of how the medical system treats dissent from their almighty medical opinions and want to read a story that actually has a truly happy ending with even the "experts" shaking their heads at the actions of social services and the Mayo clinic...and the Mainstream Media reporting on a story completely outside their usual narrative...this is the story for you.

It's like a Western Sci-Fi but it's true history.

NOT Fake News!

The icing on the cake is that it's reported by CNN and MSN. I was so excited I read the entire lengthy article to Ben this morning. This the first time I've seen CNN report real news in a while and it's heartening and exciting to watch the dust-up with Mayo Clinic as Mayo tries to recover from this devastatingly embarassing story.

I don't think we should necessarily be too hard on Mayo, though - they are acting as the System as been trained to act and they have never had cause to rethink the way they pressure families. We have granted them that authority by backing down as parents and when we stand up, this is the kind of outcome we hope for.

Take that, you big impersonal heartless family-breaking system! This is a blow to the heart.

And it makes farmers, parents, feisty kids and even the police department look pretty good. Because it was the police in the end who had the crucial recognition that the Mayo Clinic was stepping out of bounds and the officers weren't going to support them.

WHEW! What a way to start the day!

Lead Image pulled from video of Alyssa's escape
Image of Alyssa on Family Farm

Lauren Turner, Wife, Mother, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, Blogger and Caretaker of Civilization This post is written in support of @familyprotection, a community of citizen news reporters begun by @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam devoted to exposing the broken child protective systems around the world. If you want to see parents returned to their rightful place as the guardians and decision-makers for their children, consider reading and supporting @familyprotection's efforts on Steemit!

Thank-you @lturner for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Nice! It's awesome to read such a wonderful story showing what parents can accomplish in spite of the harsh systems in place. And the cops refused to act against the family! That's the icing on the cake. This shows us and the rest of the world that there still are people out there in authority who have hearts and common sense. Loved this!! :)

I know, me too! I almost want to go make a movie (not that I know anything about making movies) so we can all stand and cheer at the end!

I would watch it!

What an amazing story. I think you may need a follow up story to explain how the 'system' got back at them. @ironshield

Yeah, it looks like CPS is pulling a usual on their family now. :( Find a way to beg, borrow or steal something to accuse one parent of, demand the other parent separate or the children go into foster care, strip one parent of parental rights, use that to discredit anything they've said.

It's sickening. For every win it seems there are gigantic losses...

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Thank you @thethreehugs!

You are most welcome!

I can relate....while we didn’t escape from the hospital last week, we told them we were leaving after they tried to drug our daughter who is absolutely normal and does not have epilepsy! The insanity!!!

You really have to be on top of your game when you head into the hospital...it's sad. What a blessing for your daughter that her mom and dad knew better than to drug her when she didn't need it! The epilepsy meds are no joke, that's for sure.

Now, this is the kind of story I like to hear! Bully for Allysa and her family for having the courage to stand up for what they believe in and not letting others take their rights away! This made my day!

I know, right?! I was so thrilled for them.

Unfortunately, I've been reading about what's been happening to them over the past year and it looks like CPS has gone after the family big time in retaliation and done their usual horrific damage with the younger siblings...

Is it time for them to relocate? Fighting the CPS is a daunting task and could take years. I pray for them that they can get out from under the CPS.

I think it may be too late. CPS has already gone on it's fishing expedition, found or manufactured evidence to say the mom is abusing the kids, stripped her of parental rights and it sounds like forced the parents to separate or the dad will lose the kids too. They've already done the whole pattern - construct the story, spread doubt in the family, threaten to remove the kids totally, get the "parentectomy" rammed through the court and split the family. The only thing they didn't do was manage to get all the kids into foster care, but that's because the dad must've been scared enough to separate from the wife.

It's such an ugly, familiar pattern.

I will pray for this family. I think the CPS is responsible for the most of family breakups. It doesn't take much to come on their radar and once you are in their sights it is a horrible job removing their claws.

I'm sure they could use as many prayers as they can get.

I agree: and one of the most insidious things I've seen that they do is force the separation of parents by throwing enormous aspersions of guilt on one of them so that not only does it destroy the person's name, but also their marriage and their family. It's awful. And because I've seen it happen over and over, I have a lot of trouble believing anything being claimed about the CPS tangle they're in now.

Thanks for sharing this triumphant story. Sometimes one can get immersed in this to the point it looks almost hopeless and the need for these stories are just as powerful. They are an amazing family.

I was thinking that when I read the story - in @familyprotection there's a necessary push to show the bad stuff that's happening but it's so nice to see the good guys get the upper hand. That includes the police figuring out the real story.

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