I think most of the comments say it all, but just for the record I'll add my thoughts.
Firstly, I don't think it matters how transparent and honest you are, there will always be people who will yell scam, whether it's that they just enjoy having a dig and seeing if they can get a rise or whether their agenda is to cast doubt because they might be affected by this. Perhaps a comment along the lines of if they them finding better things to do with their life than attacking innocents. Ignoring may possibly allow them to seed doubt, so politely pointing it out for what it is could alleviate that doubt. It's sad that a few negatives can impact us more than lots of positives. It hits us where it hurts I guess.
Do you think all the funds should be powered up, or should we continue to invest in other cryptos as well as steempower?
Maybe powered up to start with until a target point is reached. However, they also say not to keep all your eggs in one basket.
What do you think of the comment we leave on every post we resteem?
I'm with @ironshield on this one and the next two questions.
Should we spend money on a fancy website or keep things on the blockchain?
Maybe in the future if/when FP can afford it, but for the moment every little counts and it sounds like it's already costing Linda and you enough.
PS: If you find the land of freedom can you please let me know. 😁
Good point!
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this post, your feedback is much appreciated and will be taken into concideration.